World Meditation Event on 4th April

in ecoTrain4 years ago

Hi Everyone,
If you haven’t heard about this yet then I would urge you to check out the link below and please get involved in this incredible event. Everyone can join in, even if you have never meditated in your life before you can help make a difference.
On the 4th of April at 10:45 EST a celestial stargate will open, creating a huge possibility to enable a shift for humanity in an incredibly positive way.


Please share and participate in this extraordinary event. ❤️


Great post, @sallybeth23 - I'm sharing it to the Mindfulness channel in the @naturalmedicine discord. Look forward to joining in!!

So much love and energy and calming vibration needed as we collectively transition to a new paradigm and new ways of living and loving together!

One Love. 👨‍❤️‍👨

Thank you so much for the sharing 🙏❤️🌈 and beautiful thoughts. Stay well my dear friend. 🤗

Shared on twitter. POSH:

Thanks for sharing. I will join you on the 4th of April.

Rehiveing and tweeting for more exposure.

So happy to hear that.

Wow! How exciting!
Saturday too!

Check the time in Thailand for this.... it is just twenty minutes long but requires everyone to do it at the same time so please check it is STARTING AT 10:45 EST on the 4th.

I hadn't heard of this yet! Thanks for sharing as I think many of us would love to take part!

Glad to be able to share. 🤗Stay well my friend.

Thank you Sallybeth =D

Good to see you @icedrum. Happy 4th of April to you 😉🤗❤️

 4 years ago  

thanks for sharing,. im IN! already practicing ;-) <3

thanks Alex, yes I thought you probably were 😉🤗❤️