Ways to Recreate yourself - UNTANGLED KNOTS # 6.3

in ecoTrain2 years ago

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This part was really really awesome, I feel like we both shined in part 3. Chingyi asks me about my own self healing process and we both talk about the most recent methods I've used to recreated ourselves or heal ourselves.


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Once you find out what works for you to deal with the past, it's a very freeing feeling. I drove truck all over Canada and the US for years and having that much time alone with my thoughts gave me the tools necessary to understand my life. Well, as much as one can.

Here is a detailed summary article about the episode:

Connecting with Your Inner Child

In this wide-ranging discussion, the host delves into the topic of how to communicate with one's inner child. He explains that he approaches it by treating the different aspects of the self as distinct personalities - a higher self and an ego-driven self.

The host describes his process of "praying to himself" when faced with challenges or negative emotions. He allows a voice to emerge from his higher self to provide loving, accepting guidance, rather than harsh self-criticism. The host emphasizes that the true, higher self is always coming from a place of compassion, never judgment.

The host then discusses his exploration of the "internal family systems" (IFS) model, which he discovered and began experimenting with on his own. Through this practice, he identified several distinct inner personalities, including a young child version, a rebellious teenager, and parental figures. He has worked to understand the roles and needs of these different aspects, and to integrate them in a healthy way.

The guest agrees that this type of inner dialogue and self-exploration is a form of meditation and self-healing. He shares his own similar technique, where he visualizes asking his "higher self" or "spirit guide" for guidance, often in the form of flowers or other symbolic gifts. The guest emphasizes the importance of approaching these inner voices with respect, as they are all trying to help, even if their methods seem misguided.

Both the host and guest highlight the power of cultivating appreciation and presence as a way to shift one's perspective and emotional state. By focusing on the positive, even in small ways, they have found they can short-circuit negative thought patterns and open themselves up to greater self-understanding and inner peace.

Overall, this conversation explores profound yet practical methods for engaging with the multifaceted nature of the self. Whether through psychological models or more spiritual approaches, the hosts demonstrate how connecting with our inner child and other aspects of our psyche can lead to profound healing and growth.