EcoTrain QOTW 8.5- What is the best kind of action!

in ecoTrain3 years ago


What is the best kind of action!? As I'm sure you all know, there are many things that need urgent action in this world, pretty much from A-Z. We could be talking about the environment, poverty, freedom, covid, family, child abuse, religious conflict, education, food and water, government, mental health, nuclear weapons and war, bush fires, health, and much more! There are unlimited ways to take action, although most of us are focused on similar ways such as petitions, public speaking, voting, demonstrating, revolution, blogging, vlogging, interviews, writing letters, and of course taking direct action yourself.


The progressive development of the Scientific and Technological Revolution is constantly promoting the process of industrialization and modernization and besides, the fierce competition of countries around the world. Marxist-Leninist philosophy calls it the law of "Motion", in order to survive and not fall behind, we must constantly innovate and update according to trends with the world. But somewhere there are still some countries, or some people with backward thinking, partly due to the influence of war or the strict policy regimes of the States; and most of it is due to the consciousness within ourselves, if the individual has a correct and objective perception compared to reality, it is impossible to eliminate himself from the good life! Standing in front of the development comes.
Accordingly, there are extremely important and urgent issues that not only affect the economy but also directly affect our life, health and Earth such as Environmental pollution;
Racism; Covid; Domestic violence; Gender..... dozens of things are threatening besides the carefree and "heartless" affecting our enjoyment of daily life. So what are the hottest issues we need to tackle? Who is the problem solver? Why is this problem still happening? "If not you, then who?".... millions of millions of questions posed to us, but not few people can answer, so let me lead you into my own world so that we can see the things together. most honest and objective sharing.
Have you ever asked yourself the question: "If not you, then who?". In my opinion, there is no best answer, only the most reasonable answer and "If it's not you, it certainly won't be anyone"! Nature has created humans, each of us is a piece of life and you are the subject in that life. According to Alexx: “Go to bed at night and wake up in the morning with a job that can never be delegated to anyone else – not to mom, dad, or some significant other – and that job is self-love."
Through the sentence, it is enough to show us that we are the "subject" of our life, there is no one who can eat, sleep, rest... to help us, but that is our self-consciousness if If we can't do that basic thing, that's when we're no longer a piece of this world - useless!



Those are basic actions that anyone can do, it only benefits you and mistakenly asserts it as loving yourself. So if you haven't done something useful for the community, at least you can do something useful for yourself, your parents can't protect and accompany you throughout your life, don't let bad habits, laziness, shyness, gloom surrounding your "jewelled" body! When you take care of yourself, you know how to love yourself, when you love yourself, you will care about deeper issues to protect yourself from dangers, develop future and future generations. Therefore, each of us needs to have a sense of self-discipline and responsibility for our own life, so when will we do it? " If not now, when?." Yes! the answer is in yourself, the action that will take place is not when you get a master's degree, a first-class medal, or become a great leader... but that action must be done morrow now! No matter what position you are in, whether you are talented or lowly at the bottom of your commune, you still have a responsibility to take action right now, even if it's just small things, but it contributes to preventing disasters. worse in the future. You look at the problem alone; Environmental pollution; enough to affect our health and clean living environment. On average, every day in my country one people produce 1.2kg of waste, our country is like 100 million people, the amount of waste generated is 120,000 tons per day. That's just a number, but the consequences, in reality, are much more terrible when untreated wastes will stick deep underground, making the soil mechanism unbalanced, plants cannot grow. The development is lush, the water is polluted, causing people not to have clean water to use, the air is full of dust and toxic gases that affect the respiratory tract, the earth is warming, the greenhouse effect.. ..makes the surrounding landscape no matter how beautiful it is, it also feels suffocating, uncomfortable and unsightly. But few people realize the problem that the Earth is suffering, the Earth has given us a place to live, a place to live for us to develop ourselves, but now we are "grateful" to it. In fact, all life and matter around us are cells of the Earth, if cells are damaged, sooner or later the Earth will also be destroyed, but the destroyer here is ourselves. Not only anyone, not even me! I myself was very indifferent, insensitive to the responsibility to protect my living environment, I also used to throw garbage indiscriminately, use plastic bottles "one time", ... but since I have seen the change erratic weather and climate, read the news on the radio about "Ice melt", "Sea level rise", "Mass fish die-off".... Only then will I realize that my wrong actions can be wrong. destruction of natural life and the environment. For a child in the river region like me, I can't help but witness the scene of ships, factories, food warehouses, households... how much waste is also dumped into the river, making the water source polluted. turbidity, how many species of fish and shrimp are gradually depleted... I don't know if they are aware that their actions are wrong or not, or they have been aware but have not seen the danger that has a direct impact. they still do. That danger is just invisible, revealed by our own "ignoring" mind, when gradually accumulating enough "amount", "perception" is not necessary for it to be too late.




A typical example for the current situation of water sources today, individuals do not really love their bodies, because our bodies are more than 70% water, everyone needs to provide water every day, think of the source water is contaminated and then loaded into the body, so can we be healthy? If water pollution continues, then in the near future we will no longer have clean water to use. Therefore, people need to have a sense of self in garbage treatment, refer to some measures to treat biological waste, compost, bury... Because “Protecting water is protecting the body”. Besides water pollution, there is also air and noise pollution... but just now we understand the danger that it affects life, current health, future generations and can sense of immediate action such as: planting trees; use natural materials; replacing electrical energy with solar energy; limit the use of plastic bags and plastic items that can only be used "one time"; especially raising the sense of life, inviting people and friends around to respond to Earth Hour; Parents should teach young children lessons about the love of nature and homeland, children will be more aware of the environment.
Don't wait for a big problem to act like the "Covid Pandemic" that our world is experiencing. It is because of the subjectivity in the management of the state and local authorities and the lack of awareness of some individuals that have affected the spread of the disease on a large scale from South to North, from Asia to Europe. Having a great influence on the economies of countries, especially affecting daily life, Corona Virus is the cause of people's grief because of it, for some people, that sadness is even worse. turned into tears, lives and separation... Initially, Vietnam was the best anti-epidemic country despite thousands of deaths from friends, but then there was a subjective sense of mutual trade in other countries. border; entry and exit between countries; failure to comply with the 5K measure of the Ministry of Health; Crowd gathering at festivals, temples, ... has made our whole country fall into the "Lockdown" battle from April 30, 2021, to present, some provinces and cities have to apply directives 16 of the Government, people fall into a passive position, the rich do not care; and those who are homeless, lottery ticket sellers or exiled people who have nowhere to return, have no money to live, or have money to buy food; When I subjectively interact with many people until I become F0, I feel sorry for myself, but in fact, the person infected with Covid is not the one who suffers the most, but it is the people around us and our whole nation when looking at them. The increasing numbers of Covid infections and deaths also bring down everyone's morale. More miserable than the heroes and soldiers on the front lines against the epidemic, the white-shirted angels have to wear a hot protective suit and work hard day and night with the patient to face the line of survival. Perhaps, only when we are the victims of Covid or the doctors, can we feel its true consequences as well as the subjectivity and then see how beautiful life is.

People seem to be in a hurry and forget that they are responsible for nature and people around until they are near the bottom of the abyss to realize that precious thing, then it may be too late to ask for forgiveness. forgive, not nature or people forgive, but that forgiveness is for our innermost self. Why do people often wait for problems to occur before taking action? Perhaps it is only when we experience something that we feel the feeling, which is the same as when we see an important problem happen that we fear and find a way to solve it. . Because today's society has a lot of important problems to solve, no one has taken the time to research or predict that a disaster is about to come, but scientists and cosmic prophets. That's when people started to study the problem and come up with preventive measures and ways to fix it. So are we to blame? Only blame when the problem is happening and we still do not act! For example, environmental pollution has been alarmed for a long time, but people are still so indifferent, regardless of the life of nature, but only for the temporary benefit of doing many things such as cutting down forests...



Or the indifference of parents and the lack of management in the school's educational work towards students, causing countless cases of school violence, until children are violated to their bodies and products. honour, parents will quarrel and fight, parents and schools also do not accept responsibility for mistakes, we only blame those students, in fact, if students are cared for, educate their consciousness At home and school, creating a clean and healthy environment to spread Ho Chi Minh's moral ideas... the probability of school violence is only 1%. Or when the house next door is tied with F0 wire, then we will comply with the 5K measure of the Ministry of Health, ... there are many other problems that clearly show the "poor consciousness" of our people. ta. No one is a superhero, but we don't know how long it will take to stop the problem, but if we don't take action to solve the problem now, there will be no answer forever. conclusion of that matter. But gradually with the advanced progress of technology, science, medicine... we will live with that problem and see this "problem" as common sense, inevitable of life and then forget it. Take the responsibility of solving them, just sit back and wait for new problems to appear and continue to do so until the Earth is no longer living. Why don't we proactively prevent problems that every individual can do such as environmental protection; prevent Covid or other diseases by vaccination...; consciously learning and following Ho Chi Minh's moral example; propagate to everyone around about the harmful effects of "subjectivity"; denounce acts that are intended to harm the public's interests and violate the National Code;... there are many other preventive measures that we can take.


I don't know how many of us can do those things, but I am sure everything will be solved and overcome if people's consciousness is raised, which is a process of continuous learning. practice and acquire knowledge, believe in the guidelines of the Party and State. At the same time, the State must create trust with the people, and together with the people to solve important problems, not just anyone.

What is the best type of action? I wonder how many good deeds I have done such as helping the elderly cross the street; donating to charity... is all of that “best practice” or not? But in fact, there is no best course of action, only the type of action that best suits each problem, or the "best course of action" can only be self-hypnosis of your own "self-consciousness". body, let that consciousness become correct awareness and then automatically that awareness will produce countless beneficial actions for society. “The problem we are facing, there will never be a solution if we don't find it ourselves” I also found the problems that I will do in the future, don't ask why I don't take action Right now is the future! Actually, I'm acting without your knowledge, I'm trying hard to study, hone my knowledge skills, develop myself day by day, only when I complete those things will I be able to solve the problem in my life. My "future plan", because it is a process, not a day or two.


If I were allowed to live in another body, I would also hypnotize my "consciousness" to contribute to solving common problems of society and the world. No individual or country can do all the problems from A-Z on their own, only consensus can overcome hardships! I believe, along with the development of artificial intelligence AI, human perception and intelligence will also develop over time if affected by a phenomenon, problem, or policy. that of the National Government. Besides the ways such as petitions, public speaking, voting, demonstration, revolution....we have many other unlimited ways, the most important is still our sense of self-action, In addition, the Party's ingenious and correct leadership, making timely handling decisions for individuals who do not comply, and promulgating threatening laws against individuals who do not perform, or take actions. violation violation.
Let's work together to solve problems, don't let things go bad before taking action. Each individual must have a sense of self-discipline before what he or she does, you should remember "if you don't do it, no one will do it", don't envy anyone your problems, especially your problems, society and the world at large. Let Earth be the most livable planet!

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This is my entry for the ecoTrain QOTW 8.5 competition. Good luck to all participants. Thank you for taking the time to read my post. I'm honoured for that, wish you all good health and success in life.


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yes of course,with covid pandemic we want to get lot of tries. Lot of people suffer about many things.

Yes. Hopefully things will get better next year. Please take care

Hay quá nàng ơi.

Thanks nàng ❤️

một bài viết tuyệt vời, em giỏi thật, viết nhiều thế. chúc em may mắn với entry này nhé

Dạ. Cảm ơn c ạ 💓

 2 years ago  

Thank you @trangtran23, what a wonderful post! Thank you for your time and energy. 🙂

Thanks for your support 💓

Yes. Keep trying, each person does a small thing, will create big things🙂