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RE: ecoTrain QOTW #9.4: Can Spirituality and Technology Live Together?

in ecoTrain2 years ago (edited)

Hi @nainaztengra, sorry I've been so quiet here on the blockchain for so long. I truly enjoy your posts. But don't know if you've noticed I've been being abused for nearly three months now by a small group and it's sadly turned hive into an upsetting and painful place for me and I've finally had enough. As a large investor, fellow blogger who's supported my blog, and someone I've gotten know for a short while, I feel you should be made aware of some incredible abuse going on here. For the good of the hive community and blockchain please have a look.

 2 years ago  

Hey, what is your Discord ID, let's connect there pls

World Travel Pro#9731

I'll keep an eye out for you.... :)