
Oh dear... it would seem we are on the same wavelength train. When I am not on "here"... I am on this:

Taken with Samsung Galxy S9 | My PS4 System

I am 52... and yes, I still play video games, when MS allows... Valhalla is a great game. So are God Of War: Ragnarock and Horizon Forbidden West...

PhotoMode capture of "Horizon Forbidden West" from my PS4

Bitmoji browser extension

TAG!! You're it!!

Horizon Dawn is phenomenal!

My son is currently all over GOW videos only. So I'm being introduced to it. It's a bit old for him still.

Currently lost all my Fortnite skils as haven't played since I started roaming. :(

On it now and taking a break. It's bad. Real bad. Back to Bot bad.



I can't keep up with the kids and am too proud to go back to being sneaky to get a win in Fortnite.

Rage quit at around 10.45pm 👍