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RE: Trusting Ourselves in 2022: Ladies of Hive #63

So beautifully written Liza. There couldn't be a more profound intent for a new year than to find that within us that knows the difference between deeper truths and conditioned old belief patterns.

Like you, I feel this is the year where one of the most important things for me is to go deeper into my own intuition and just trust it more and more. Which comes, the more you see what happens when you do trust and follow it. The 'quiet voice' can be very quiet but if we can't hear it then we just need to become quieter within ourselves.

I've only just returned to Hive after being away for a few years now. I have always loved the spirit of this community and I see that some of the communities have transitioned and others like the Ladies of Hive have been birthed. The newness is exciting for me and at the same time it's wonderful to connect and catch up with some of my previous Steemit fellow travellers.

Wishing you the most glorious and bountiful 2022 Liza.


Being the amazing creator/artist you are, I've no doubt you completely understand intuitive guidance @allyinspirit It's so wonderful to have you back! I miss your creations.

Thank you so much for your response. Your voice has always been so supportive and I appreciate you so much! May 2022 bring all you dream of, Ally. Much Love to you all the way around 💜