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RE: If I had only two hours left to live/ The best gift I have given

in Ladies of Hive3 years ago

I'm here as the person you trust so that you can hand over all your jewelries and also give up the keys to your wallet keys.

I do trust you but I haven't been told that there are only two hours left 😝

Just make sure that your posts are saved as a draft in this place or better still, upload it a place where it would stand the test of time.

I am doing it gradually. I hope it would be done before I die 😂.

Time is valuable to everyone and we can't get extra of it no matter how rich we are so, anyone that gives another person his time should count it as a big favour.

Exactly. This is exactly what I think and I am thankful to you for giving me the gift


Hahah... Thanks too for bouncing back stronger.

I know that you've been through a lot within the last few days and I'm glad that you are finding your feet again.

Welcome back dear

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I know that you've been through a lot within the last few days

Lol. It is not just about last few days. It is a continuous long process of ups and downs

And you've been proving that you are capable of doing great things irrespective of how things turn out to be. Don't worry, it shall be okay.

Welcome back to the virtual world

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