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RE: Ladies of Hive Community Contest #67 - Travel to Mars and Women Rights

in Ladies of Hive2 years ago

Thank you very much for the invite, but I'm really not in mood to write a whole post on any of those two subjects.

In essence, I can agree with you regarding question No. 1, as my answer to it would also be NO! The only difference between you and me is that I'm not curious about exploring space and other worlds or planets. I love this planet Earth very much. So, at best, I would eventually go for some tour around the Earth from space to see the planet from up there, but only if it would be safe as it currently is flying by plane. Same as you do, I love my family and friends, my colleagues and neighbors, in a word, my life here.

When it comes to question No. 2 - women's rights and achievements throughout history, well, in my opinion, that's a tricky one.
At first, I can't get rid of the impression that many struggles women went through in history fighting for their rights were actually men driven behind the scene and when it suited them for who knows what range of political, economic, or other reasons.

Besides that, and as second, I think that we, unfortunately, still live in a very men's world. And I'm not talking about those parts of the world where women are underrepresented or where women's rights are jeopardized in many different ways. I'm talking about those ruling the world, that so-called Elite. Putting aside the queen of England and a couple of female prime ministers or country presidents (who are on those positions today, but who knows where they are going to be tomorrow) - how many women do you actually see among those Elite ones?! - Actually, I don't see any! Even if there is or was some (like Ursula von der Leyen, current President of the European Commission, or former German Chancellor Angela Merkel), in my eyes, they are, in fact, just the tools and executors of some bad men's agenda. And in that sense, I think, we are, unfortunately, still very far away from some true equality and even further from the one, I believe, God had on his mind when he created us.


Ahaaa, your comment makes a good post in itself Ana.
Our planet is like a paradise when it comes to nature, I would not want to bargain it for any thrill which has uncertainty.
As far as woman is concerned, yes we are very far from being equal in this male dominant society and one major reason I see it is also that willingly we have given away our power to them. We have been taught right from the time we are young that there is a difference between man and woman, the superior, inferior conditioning happens right from the time a girl child is born, specially in places like India where a girl is taught that she has to take care of her husband, inlaws and do every possible thing for them but a man is taught that he is the head of the family and the decision maker for everything. But still thanx to those women, who have been the role models and broken those clutches of the male dominant society to be the right examples for so many of us and to give us the confidence that we all have equal power the only thing we need is to claim it.
Thank you fot sharing your interesting comment dear Ana