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RE: A Place for Orchids

I suppose everything wonderful in this world may come to an end someday. That includes our poor orchids. You had some beautiful blooms this year and I enjoyed seeing them. Thanks for sharing. Don’t mind that orchid community post harassing you down there. LOL. I Cross posted it to the community. You can do that yourself you know. It’s allowed! LOL

Enjoy your Sunday! Football will be coming on soon so I have to go now. Ha ha Ha although the Eagles play on Monday night and I’m going to walk all over the Cowboys 🤪


Haha! I suppose... but for us, it ends when we conk out permanently, hehehe 😝😜!!!
I've never cross posted yet. Next time, I'll do it!
In an hour, the 49ers will play. They use to be a B team, now they are B+and1/2, haha.
So I am going to watch them!🤪

Ah yeah. They play Greenbay don’t they. Should be another good game. Enjoy!

Go 49ers!!!