Because I'm happy...loh #183.

in Ladies of Hivelast month (edited)

Have you ever done things just for the sake of doing it, without giving much thought to it. I'm guessing you all are nodding your heads in affirmation to the question above and the reason is not far-fetched. Sometimes, being spontaneous is fun.

I want to share my thoughts on the #ladiesofhive prompt that says..

What was the last photo you took? Share and tell the story behind it.

Actually I'm not really a photo freak but I really do like to take pictures. The pictures could be of anything that interests me or on something related to my research or something that could be useful as a teaching aid or better still, I could take pictures of myself, just to see how fancy I am or to note whether I'm adding on weight 😲 or not😁. Believe me, that subject is a touchy one for me because I am a self acclaimed slimmer for life. There's no adding weight in my destiny, hehe.

The picture I am sharing was the latest photo I took on Sunday right after church service came to an end. For some inexplicable reason, I was just so happy and I was smiling from ear to ear, like I had won the lottery.

The weather was beautiful, with the sun beaming down its golden rays on the earth and causing everything to burst into lively colours. I was glad that the service ended and I'll soon be heading home to munch on my brunch, since I don't usually have breakfast on Sunday morning.

Lo and behold, a fellow member walked up to me and said "Hey dear sis, you are adding weight and it looks good on you". **What!!! 😱, "no, no no that cannot be", I whispered softly to myself. Then the thought to take some shots of myself came to me and that was what I did. I took my phone and off I went, under the yellow sun to stike a pose, despite my shock, I couldn't stop the happiness from seeping from within me to my face and unto the pictures. I'll leave ypu all to be the judge to whether I have added weight or not😁.

Now, I also saw some snacks that I had missed. Its local plantain chips but very tasty. I felt my happiness metre shoot up a notch as I took shots of the snacks and trust me guys, I also bought some as a concerned foodie. I mean how could I let it just walk past me, hehe.

Do you do things because you are happy? If not, then you should because "happiness should be your truth" according to Pharrell Williams.

This is my response to the week #183 writing prompt for the #lohcommunity.

Thank you all for reading... Shalom.

Images used are mine.



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Your smiles are captivating and these plantain chips are enticing, I am a big fan of them. There was a time I used my transport fare to get plantain chips. I ended up walking home that day that is to tell you how much I love plantain chips

Thanks for the compliment dear.

You are not the only one who has done such stunts, I'm your partner in crime and I don't regret it 😁.

Thanks once more🌺

Ah I have found my partner in crime. It's nice meeting you

Same here 😁👍

I also love plantains chip very much, your pictures are nice.

Thank you for your compliment and for being a plantain lover like me😁

Awnnnnn, you are welcome

Hahaha, you are a self-acclaim slimmer for life, that got me. 🤣🤣

The person is right, you have added weight, and it looks good on you. The smile is radiant, keep smiling.

I saw the plantain and I got cravings for it. I love plantain chips but I enjoy ripe plantain chips more.

Yay, so good to know that you also like the plantain chips😂😂.

Thanks for your compliment dear🌺

Sometimes, we do things just for the sake of doing it, without giving much thought to it. And that's okay. Being spontaneous and living in the moment can indeed be fun.

Now, let's talk about the photo you shared. It's lovely to see you so happy and carefree, striking a pose under the yellow sun. You looked really beautiful.

Thank you for taking the time to capture a moment of happiness and share it with us, maybe your photos will inspire others to do the same and find their own happiness in the little things.

Exactly, that's the message I aim to spread.

Thanks a lot dear🌺

You sure do have a captivating smile 🫶

Awwwn, thank you so much. I'm blushing 😊

Beautiful story, peace of mind and happiness can actually make someone look fresher and add weight without noticing. With all this smiles 😊 on your face, well I'm still watching lol.

😁 that's great, thanks for looking out for me🌺

Your pictures are really beautiful and you look really happy and radiant. The one of the plantain chips has made me start craving it. I love them too and I can never let plantain chips pass me by without buying at least 2 or 4. Lol

Thanks for being a plantain lover 🌺

Amazing pictures and your smile makes me smile 😊 love your outfit to and the pose is cool.
The plantains chips looks delicious and I wish I could try one, have no idea what they taste like.
Thank you for sharing and have a wonderful weekend. Cheers 🌺

The plantain chips taste great, I tell you. Thanks for your endearing words. Glad I could make you smile🤗