Her Struggle to Live. / La Lucha De Ella Por Vivir.

in Ladies of Hivelast month


Greetings dear women of Hive especially to this beautiful community of Ladies of Hive. 🤗

Today I am just stopping by to tell you about a great testimony of perseverance in the midst of the ordeal.

She is 78 years old although she has always said that she is really one year younger, but she doesn't know why they have added one more year to her ID card.

She has always been a very active, hard-working, hard-working, kind-hearted woman, and has always had the affection and admiration of many people around her.

She is not literate but she is full of the wisdom that many times the years give, plus a lot of experience, she still has a lot to give.

But she has been bedridden for about 4 years with ups and downs in her health, but in the last few weeks she has suffered a relapse and has had to be hospitalized. 😔

She was taken to the hospital more than three weeks ago to have an operation for an intestinal obstruction, the operation went well, according to the doctors, but because of all this it got complicated, the stitches from the operation opened up, and now she has an infection in her lungs, the doctors have said it is pneumonia, she also has thrombosis and a kidney that is not working well.

She is still hospitalized, lying there in that gray bed, in that sad room, there she is, in spite of everything she smiles, in spite of everything she continues to take care of her children and that they lack nothing, in spite of everything she does not lose her appetite, she with her smile in the midst of her ailments encourages all those who are at this moment taking care of her.

They are dejected, afflicted because their beloved queen is now without strength, she is now so fragile, that yes, she has to be taken care of very much.

They love her and care for her as the most precious thing she is! They do not want her to realize the pain that is in their hearts to see her so sick.

But she is very strong and enthusiastic, she is still fighting to live, she says: I still don't want to leave you my children, I still want to live and share many more things with you.

She, that special and amazing woman, is my mother. 😍❤️

I tell you, she does not lose hope to continue living and my brothers and I do not lose hope to see her walking and taking care of her beloved flowers, besides listening to her tell those anecdotes of when we were children that make us laugh so much and that she knows how to tell with great grace.

Photo from my mother's family album.

Thank you for reading and for your support, God bless you generously! 🙏💕

Photos from my property and from my mother's personal album.
Figures and dividers from Microsoft Word.


Saludos queridas mujeres de Hive especialmente a esta hermosa comunidad de Ladies of Hive. 🤗

Hoy solo paso por aquí para contarles un gran testimonio de perseverancia en medio de la dura prueba.

Ella tiene 78 años aunque siempre ha dicho que realmente tiene un año menos, pero que no sabe porque en la cedula le han agregado un año más.

Ella siempre ha sido una mujer muy activa, esforzada, trabajadora, bondadosa, a su alrededor siempre ha tenido el cariño y admiración de mucha gente.

Ella no es letreada pero está llena de la sabiduría que muchas veces dan los años, además de mucha experiencia, ella todavía tiene mucho para dar.

Pero ella ha caído en cama, tiene aproximadamente como 4 años con subidas y bajadas en su salud, pero en estas últimas semanas ha sufrido una recaída que tuvieron que hospitalizarla. 😔

Fue llevada al hospital hace ya más de tres semanas para operarla de una obstrucción intestinal, la operación salió bien, según los médicos, pero a raíz de todo esto se complicó, los puntos de la operación se le abrieron, y tiene ahora una infección en los pulmones, los doctores han dicho que es neumonía, además tiene trombosis y un riñón que no está funcionando bien.

Ella sigue hospitalizada, allí acostada en esa cama gris, en esa habitación triste, allí esta ella, a pesar de todo sonríe, a pesar de todo sigue pendiente de sus hijos y que no les falte nada, a pesar de todo no pierde el apetito, ella con su sonrisa en medio de sus dolencias anima a todos los que están en este momento cuidándola.

Ellos están abatidos, afligidos porque su querida reina está ahora sin fuerzas, está ahora tan frágil, que sí, hay que cuidarla mucho.

Ellos la aman y la cuidan como lo más preciado que es! ellos no quieren que ella se dé cuenta del dolor que hay en sus corazones por verla a ella tan enferma.

Pero ella es muy fuerte y entusiasta, ella sigue luchando por vivir, ella dice: todavía no los quiero dejar hijos míos, todavía quiero vivir y compartir muchas cosas más con ustedes.

Ella, esa mujer tan especial y sorprendente, es mi madre. 😍❤️

Les digo, ella no pierde la esperanza de seguir viviendo y mis hermanos y yo, no perdemos las esperanzas de verla caminando y cuidando de sus amadas flores, además de escucharla contar esas anécdotas de cuando éramos niños que tanto nos hace reír y que ella sabe contar con mucha gracia.

Foto del Álbum familiar de mi Madre.

Gracias por leer y por su apoyo, Dios les bendiga generosamente! 🙏💕

Fotos de mi propiedad y del álbum personal de mi madre.
Figuras y separadores de Microsoft Word.


I am really very sorry to know that your mom is passing through such a painful experience. No words are enough to give you condolences. It is just God who can reward her for her patience and tolerance. I wish her a healthy life.

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Thank you very much, you are very kind in your words, thank you for your good wishes and support.
Best regards!☺️❤️


I hope she heals rapidly

What a hopeful being she is

Thank you dear!
If she is always in good spirits, hope is the last thing to lose.☺️

Your mom is a strong lady who loves her children very much. Prayers for healing and peace. Thank you for sharing.🤗💜. !LADY

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Thanks You very much, I appreciate your prayers from the bottom of My heart! @elizabethbit 🤗💕🙏

You are very welcome sis!🤗💜🙏

Only three weeks ago.
My condolences @carisma77 , despite her many ailments and dreary surroundings she can still smile above all the circumstances. Her duties as a Mother is done with a smile.

Thanks You, what beautiful words 💕
Greetings 🤗🌹


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Gracias equipo @entropia por el apoyo! Bendiciones 😊🙏


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Thanks You very much dear ladies 😊🌹