πŸ˜­πŸ™„πŸ’”πŸ€•Mommy's Mental Health: Chapter 43 - Adding Insult to Injury πŸ˜­πŸ™„πŸ’”πŸ€•

in Ladies of Hive β€’ 24 days ago (edited)

This week was a reminder that no matter how crappy things are, they can always get worse. @zakludick has been an absolute saint in helping me keep what's left of my sanity after a horrific 4-day panic attack last week.

I was just starting to feel normal when my hot water burst! I spent about an hour with the showerhead directed at my butt while I waited for poor Zak to come home from work to take me to the emergency unit.

I cannot describe the immense pain. Oh my gosh. It was worse than anything I've ever felt.

I am the queen of burning my hands. Years in the hospitality trade will do that to you. I did burn my hand, but at least it didn't blister. It did burn and swell though, so both my bum and my hand are in bandages.


I go back for another dressing change tomorrow and let's hope I've healed beautifully because

  1. I am itchy and uncomfortable as hell
  2. I can't bath
  3. Medical care is ridiculously expensive :(

So, do I buy another hot water bottle? I usually use it to help soothe the pain in my pinched sciatic nerve (lower back). I was in a rush on Tuesday morning for some reason though, so I didn't wrap it up in my gown like I usually do. It was freshly made and boiling hot, so when I plonked down onto the bed, it was just plain logical that the thing would burst on me :(

  1. Listen to your mother (eye-roll): don't overfill the bottle and always add cold water
  2. Appreciate what you have, practice gratitude, and remember that things could always be worse.
  3. Realize that you have the best husband in the entire world.
  4. Cake heals everything:

oh dear.

My doctor is, however, changing my medication for my depression and anxiety. The new meds are also supposed to help with insomnia. Please God wish me well with this. Changing meds is scary. My doctor is fantastic though.

I also start counseling next week so that should also help me process what is going on inside me. I haven't been doing very well.

Please do wish me a speedy recovery. Thoughts and prayers are welcome.

And wish me well as I try to recover some dignity. I don't think I've ever had so many people staring at my butt πŸ€•

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Wishing you a speedy recovery! Sending good healing vibes your way ❀️

Thank you so very much hun ❀️

I really feel for you.
I pray everything gets alright, ok.

Awwww thank you so much ❀️

Your are welcome, friend.

Oh gosh Claire, shame man. That sounds terrible. I remember when Justine burnt her hand and how she was shaking from the pain. Now you've got a burnt ass included in the mix. Ouch!

Holding thumbs for the new meds.

Thanks so much my friend. It's difficult not to laugh at myself. Silly girl. Love to you guys hey πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

A hot water burn. Ouch!

Checking with what my Health Unit's Hot Water policy...
Must be prescribed by a physician. See Patient notes.
Temperature should not be more than 50C or 130F (Typical household setting).
Do not over fill. See Manufacturers recommended volume.
Check for leaks.
Wrap with a pillowcase or hand towel.
Apply 5-10 minutes on, 5-10 minutes off, re-assess after 30 to 40 minutes.
Yada, yada, yada... hospital policy gets so much longer....

Recover soon @clairemobey

Ya hey.... No I break all the rules. I have Noone to blame but myself. πŸ˜”πŸ˜”

Oh my.....! Hot water burn! That's terrible. And at a place like bum! Ouch. How difficult it would have become to sit either.

On the top of that you are suffering from mood disorders. I am just imagining the pain.

As you said, practice gratitude. It would help you deal with depression along with tge other measures. Hope the new medicine would work better

I wish you a quick recovery.

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Thank you so much for your words of wisdom and kindness too!!! Yep not a great combo πŸ˜” hopefully will be feeling better soon πŸ₯Ί

Wish you good luck

Thank you so much ❀️❀️

Now I have a hot-ass wife.

β€οΈπŸ«ΆπŸ€— I'm sorry you got hurt my love. πŸ€•πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜”β˜ΉοΈπŸ˜“πŸ˜₯

Β 24 days agoΒ (edited)Β 

Oh no @clairemobey, that must have been darn painful! I hope it heals soon, it must be the most awkward spot to get burnt!
As for the panic attacks and depression, I was there for years, but back then treatment options weren't as good as today. Finding the right meds is vital, but use every other tool you have. Music therapy, tons on YouTube, meditation helps tremendously with anxiety and panic attacks, walking or any physical activity outdoors also a great tool.
Thankfully you have a good man by your side!
Got you in my thoughts and prayersπŸ€—

Thank you so much for your kind words @Lizelle <3 really

Lets hope tomorrow's appointment goes well <3

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