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RE: [ESP/ENG] Concurso comunitario Ladies of Hive #74 "Debo pensar en frío"🤔🥶 / Ladies of Hive Community Contest #74 "I Must Think Cold"🤔🥶

in Ladies of Hive2 years ago

Gracias por siempre tomarte tu tiempo y visitar mi publicación. y si, por este rasgo me ha tocado pasar por mucho, por eso quiero cambiarlo y escribirle me ayudo a expresar mis sentimientos. Gracias por tus buenos deseos. Dios te bendiga @silversaver888 🙏🏼🤗🌺

Thank you for always taking your time and visiting my publication. and yes, because of this feature I have had to go through a lot, that's why I want to change it and writing to it helped me express my feelings. Thanks for your good wishes. God bless you @silversaver888 🙏🏼🤗🌺