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RE: Back At Yoga At Last

Thank you for the reminder to re-create local community again. I've recently realised I needed to step away from the people I was spending time with because they weren't nourishing me (too much pushing, striving, competition... and complaining), but I hadn't worked out what I needed in their place. And I think you've given me my answer; they'll be in yoga studios. So, while I can do yoga on my own, as you shared, there's something about being with others and breathing with others that we really need (and miss).

I feel your sadness. Thank you for sharing. May we, globally, re-find our willingness and courage to be with each other again, within hugging distance.


Oh I'm glad that you realised what serves you and what to let go.

May we, globally, re-find our willingness and courage to be with each other again, within hugging distance.

Let's. :) xx
