Back At Yoga At Last

in Ladies of Hive2 years ago

Who's changed their fitness routine or life drastically since early 2020? I know I have. Between the pandemic, going overseas and lockdowns, my routine of going to studio yoga three to five times a week has ceased. Whilst I went a few times when lockdowns lifted, the on again off again consistancy of it, combined with masks and vaccines and all the regulations and anxiety inducing fear mongering, I'd all but given up on going to class.


I am perfectly capable of doing yoga on my own, truth be told. I've been practicing since I was sixteen and four years ago did a teacher training which saw me grow really confident in structuring my own classes and routines, and getting into a firmer meditation and pranyam practice.

But I really, really missed studio yoga. There's something about breathing with other people that can be really beautiful, and you're less likely to quit half way through or be a little slack - I always work up more of a sweat and push myself in a class situation than at home, where after about half an hour I'm just meditating or doing breathing. A studio class makes you accountable.

I've decided to just go once a week to a slow flow class - I'm not really interested in pushing myself to do more than one day a week and it gets expensive too, especially if you sign up and then don't go for a few weeks - you end up paying for something you're not really using. I just need enough to feel a sense of community and to keep up a strong practice - even once a week makes me more likely to do a stronger class at home.

Things have changed a lot since COVID. Things feel less free - people seem less friendly and tend to come in and leave quickly. I miss sitting around chatting after class, and most of all, I miss Dad practicing with me. It's been a while since he's been physically able to do a strong vinyasa practice and I miss being inspired by him and having his strength help me push through the harder poses. I miss hearing his breath beside me and sometimes my heart aches for missing this companionship. Yoga feels a little lonelier these days. Even the familiar faces I used to see in this studio have moved on - either moving back to hometowns, practicing elsewhere, or given up entirely. Even the teachers have changed when the studio was sold to another owner about the same time the pandemic started.

But all that is a lesson in itself. Everything changes. Nothing is permanent. The breath moves in and out.

With Love,


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There's something about breathing with other people that can be really beautiful

May be I should go and first sit there for few days to inspire myself - Yoga could never attract me :)

not everyone likes it!! And of course you have to start with a teacher you like. I think it's different in India to the West of course. We borrowed much from India but made it something to suit our sensibility too.

Thank you for the reminder to re-create local community again. I've recently realised I needed to step away from the people I was spending time with because they weren't nourishing me (too much pushing, striving, competition... and complaining), but I hadn't worked out what I needed in their place. And I think you've given me my answer; they'll be in yoga studios. So, while I can do yoga on my own, as you shared, there's something about being with others and breathing with others that we really need (and miss).

I feel your sadness. Thank you for sharing. May we, globally, re-find our willingness and courage to be with each other again, within hugging distance.

Oh I'm glad that you realised what serves you and what to let go.

May we, globally, re-find our willingness and courage to be with each other again, within hugging distance.

Let's. :) xx


That's it, I need to stretch!

it's a good thing for your body for sure . And mind. Although after yesterday I'm quite sore and regretting it!

Couldn't help picking up on this sentence:

There's something about breathing with other people that can be really beautiful,

People started doing this way less, in the last two years. Less breathing, less time spent with other people.

And I love how you finish this write up:

But all that is a lesson in itself. Everything changes. Nothing is permanent. The breath moves in and out

Hear! hear!

Let's keep adapting and - more importantly - let's keep breathing in and out


Yes, sharing breath is an intimacy we have been a little anxious about. I miss it xx

Hello friend I understand you I started a month ago and I feel that my body needs it, I was 3 months without my exercise routine blessings.

I'm sorry I don't speak Spanish 🧡🧡

Hello friend I understand you I started a month ago and I feel that my body needs it, I was 3 months without my exercise routine blessings.

As I can see you are the first that has arrived in the class :)
I also anticipate so much to do and feel some things again. Weird times...

Your Dad sounds like an amazing dad, yoga, Vipassana, photography! And many more I guess :) I hope he is well!

He's always been a legend and I love him to bits. He had a bad spell last week but is okay at moment . I'll post about it later in week. Add surfing, kiteboarding, paddle boarding and guitar to that list! And then some.

Haha yes I am always first, I like to get a good spot and meditate first.

Wow, in one word, AWESOME!!!
I wish for the best to happen!

And of course the good spot is at the very back, right? Haha!
3 days ago I started my 30 days yoga challenge, not so easy to keep up on my own either, so looking for challenges or anything to motivate me...

The only time I've done yoga was with a video on my own. I'm sure it's like the gym, where you are more likely to keep it up if you belong to a class. I have to take the time again someday before I can't anymore. My work is yoga haha.

I think it's more like when you feel the physical and psychological benefits you want to keep doing it. Yogas more than a workout, it's the spiritual side that is also compelling.

I totally understand your work is a workout . I remember working in kitchens, bars and waitressing!!

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I got into totally lazy mode, I used to do pole dancing but stopped just before lockdown for financial reasons. I really need to get back there. I think yoga classes and the sociability aspect will gradually go back to normal

I think so - it really does feel as if we are easing back into normal life. What a long and hard two years it's been!

I guess that the surest thing to happen in life is change. It was sad to read about how things changed, from the yoga teachers to the fact that you can't experience yoga with your father like you used to.
I liked how you have made an analogy between our breathing process and change... beautiful way to appreciate change even when it seems like a loss

Thanks. I think breath is so precious.. such a teacher. When my thoughts go to sad things, the breath pulls me back. I feel grateful for the fact I have precious breaths to take, and remind myself they are limited, so to dwell on sad things is folly when there's so much good around. An endless practice. Hope you are well!!

Yes, breathing is important. I was actually listening to Jay Shetty talking about breathing today and he has said one thing which stuck with me: when we manage to control our breath we begin to have a better control over the tough situations in our lives because everything starts from breathing. That was powerful. And another great lesson: inhale gratitude, exhale thank you. I am well , continuously working on myself

Glad to hear you have found your way back to the studio, even if it's different from what it used to be.

I actually forgot (I was sick) to sign up at my favorite yoga studio at the beginning of the year and now I'll have to wait until the end of March until the next course starts. But that's ok. I practice quite a lot at home.

But I agree with you, there's something special about practicing in a group. Especially to meditate.

I'm now somehow more focused on belly dancing though and I was so delighted at the class last Sunday. Everyone was so friendly and I felt so welcomed. (Many of them have danced for years).

Ah, I did belly dancing at one stage!!! If you go back and look at my wardrobe post, you'll see my green belly dancing wrap above the doorway! I remember practicing on the beach and listening to a lot of awesome Turkish music / world music that made me groove my hips. Its such a beautiful womanly thing to do - although I had no natural flair or co ordination for it!!!!

Is that how it works over there - you only sign up for courses??? Here you drop in any time or have a permanent membership, there's no real sequence or course unless it's for beginners or trainings/workshops. If you have a home practice and a moving meditation practice (like pole dancing or belly dancing) asana practice isn't really needed unless you love it, right?

Haha, I didn't know you used to do belly dancing 🙂

I started with it in Berlin but it's been a long break now...

Is that how it works over there - you only sign up for courses???

No not usually. It's different from different studios but the one I was talking about has that system. Their classes are 2 1/2 hours and includes asanas, pranayama and meditation. One course is usually about 10 weeks and then you are with the same group of people each week. I like that, it's like we are on a journey together. The classes also build a bit and they have courses on different 'levels'.

This studio (or school) is rather strict. No phones are allowed inside and has to be turned off (muted isn't enough because of the radiation). We also practice silence during the short break we usually have and so on. I feel the energy there is very strong but at the same time calming. It's also a non profit organisation so the courses are not that expensive in comparison.

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So cool to have a Dad to practice yoga with. It's sad to hear things have changed inside the yoga studio since the pandemic. The first time I ever tried doing yoga in a studio was pregnancy yoga after work many years ago when I was in my second to the third trimester. There was something about being in a dimly lit studio surrounded by a community of mothers and mothers to be twice a week. Like how you beautifully said it "Breathing together" and stretching helped manage the aches and pains and the smiles we exchanged before and after practice was nice after a stressful day.

What I like about doing yoga in the studio is the silent motivation of having everyone there to be able to stick to a long session as well as the guidance of the teacher to be able to learn more poses with the correct posture. Living far away from the city and with the tourism gone so were the yoga teachers that used to offer classes in our small town. So pretty much I've been following youtube videos alone since 2020.