LOH Community Contest #186 ~ To my Mom

in Ladies of Hive28 days ago

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Write a letter to your mom (or mom figure) telling her how special she is to you. Make sure you show her this letter is public for all to see! Moms love this! 😁

Dear mom,

I know this letter is supposed to be a special letter to you, even funny that you are sitting just opposite me but I still can not tell you pour out my heart to you because I know I will end up weeping uncountable and you would be wondering why I am crying because you see me as the strongest of your three children even though I am the weakest and soft-hearted of them all.

I know we've not been the best mother-daughter relationship, regardless I miss you and wish that you will get well soon so that I can watch you walk around and do everything and anything you intend to do.

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It breaks my heart to see you groan in pain when it is unbearable for you to hide what you are feeling. I wish I knew the solution and a way to help you relieve your pain, but I don't know and it hurt me so much that I can not help. I am short of words and lack the right words to say to you at this moment even though I am supposed to and I am supposed to be strong, the truth is, I am weak and broken.

I miss looking at your Diastema and asking myself why I didn't get that part of you, I miss your smile, your loud laugh, and your nagging, and complaints that most times put me off. I miss telling you, "Mummy you are shouting" and your annoying but funny reply is "That's how my voice is" still in a yet louder voice.

I miss you walking around trying to prepare something for me to eat whenever I come around because I look too lean for your liking, I miss you calling out to my cousins to come help you get sachet water for you, so you can give to me to drink after I am done eating the food you prepared and kept specially for me.

I miss us fighting, settling, arguing, carrying long faces, and thinking about what the other person will eat even without asking, I miss you pursuing me with the spatula whenever I insult your siblings or say something about your family.

I am watching you lying here with so much pain in your eyes, mouth, and body, but I can not help ease them, I have done all I can and at this moment, I am helpless and need you to fight to stay alive for me, please don't give up no matter what because I have big plans for you. All I am praying is that God blesses me, so I can do what needs to be done.

Please get well soon, so we can continue from where we stopped because I am missing you.

From your dearest Adiaha (First daughter).

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


That was a touching one. I wish your mum quick recovery so she be in health to read your letter for her. Keep being strong dear. Do have a fruitful week.

Thank you for your prayers. I pray so too.

I wish you the same. Thank you.

I think it is a unique letter confessing about several not-so-good things, yet showing the strong bond of love.

I feel the pain you are going through seeing your mom in pain. I am sorry to hear that she has been in that level of pain and is unlikely to walk around. May I know @eliany what has happened to her that has put her in great pain?

Thanks for sharing your feelings with us. Stay blessed.

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Thank you, I just had to pen down this here because at that moment, I had a heavy heart and I needed relief.

She is diabetic and got a wound and at this moment, medication is proving futile.

Thank you 😊

May God give her quick healing


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I congratulate you for the sincerity of your words and far beyond what happens between you, love must prevail. Greetings

Thank you very much, I appreciate it.

Oh God! This is so touching and I can tell this is coming from a sincere heart.
I wish her quick recovery, she will definitely read this letter and get well, trust me.

Thank you, I pray that for her too.

Thank you