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RE: Reto/contest #74 Mis cartas de amor/My love letters

True letter writing is becoming a lost art because of emails, texting, Face Time and so on. I think it would be very lovely to start up pen pals once again, and skip the quick answers we get from the technological world and instead opt for 'snail mail' as I often call it. I would love to receive mail from a half a world away and exchange daily routines and news that way. Along with that, is the lost art of cursive handwriting. They aren't teaching it here in schools any longer, which is sad. I look at handwriting I see in a couple of Bibles I have from the 1800's and the handwriting is just amazing!

Thank you for sharing your love letters @sacra97, and have a lovely day!


Very kind for such a complete comment. I would really love it in old mail but with more speed, ha ha. Thank you very much for the support a hug.

You are very welcome @sacra97! A hug coming your way!🤗💜

Thanks for the welcome back, I just love the space. I'm glad to come back.
I already wanted to be at home and have the computer with the translator.

Very nice! Take care and I'm sure I will see you around LOH!💜🤗

I hope so, to always continue supporting the community of brave and enterprising women, simply wonderful.

Indeed! Take care my new friend and have a lovely day!💜🤗


Anyway, happy Day