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RE: Escaping the Darkness - Ladies-of-hive-community-contest-100

in Ladies of Hive2 years ago

Hi Lizelle

I have many people close to me that suffer from mental health illnesses and I too have had issues of my own in the past. The part that annoys me the most is that some people simply deny it even exists because they don't understand it (and sometimes they suffer from one but are in such denial that they stigmatize it further).

I am so sorry to read about your loss of brother and uncle, I can understand how grieving can bring on depression very easily and it is so difficult to deal with the loss to a suicide. There needs to be more awareness in the world and the "cheer up" brigade need to have more understanding and compassion.

It can be treated and each person is different, half of the challenge is to identify what works for you and then practice it daily. I'm a huge advocate for meditation and exercise, it makes a huge difference.

Sending you strength and hugs, I'm glad you survived the darkness and speak about it.


...the "cheer up" brigade need to have more understanding and compassion.

How very true, they and those who condemn simply do not understand, their mindset is still trapped in times of yester-year!

Absolutely true that what helps one person, may not necessarily help another, but I do believe natural treatments can give more lasting results, than pumping oneself full of medications, which have bad side-effects.
Higs to you as well and I'm so glad that you found the answer and solutions that worked for you!