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RE: Ladies of Hive and ARCHON!

in Ladies of Hive4 years ago

Now that is a very nice photo! Love the vibrant colors from the flower, and the insect on top of it!

Ah yes, the Archon token earning is very very sweet and will sure encourage more engagement on posts. And that is exactly what is needed on the hive blockchain, if you ask me.

Have a great weekend and take care!


Thanks! That Gerber daisy was a gift last season. I don't have many flowers growing this year because covid prevented me from getting out to the nurseries to buy plants but hopefully I can have more next year!

I really like how ARCHON is supporting engagement. I think making comments is the way to make your account grow and a way to support Hive.

Thank you for your engagement on this post, you have recieved ENGAGE tokens.