I can make my own dreams come true... [Ladies of Hive #139]

in Ladies of Hive11 months ago

... and knowing that makes me feel on top of the known world.

Few things rival travel in my list of current priorities. I wish I could remember why. I just know, whenever I thought about my life as it would be, it never involved me being here, in Romania. There was no malice attached to that thought. I'm not someone who hates her own home country, rather I want to travel despite of a deep love of home. Bucharest, as I've written in the past, has many wonderful places worth loving, not to mention wonderful people very dear to me.



And yet, I always knew my place was on the road, as a young, teenage kid. I always thought, when I turn 18, I'm gonna travel the world.
Then, I turned 18, and I... didn't. I was in love. Suddenly, I wanted to stay here. And love created a perfect space for that deep, inane fear of leaving to nestle into my heart, and keep me grounded.
And then, I turned 19, and it didn't happen then, either. Mind you, I did go to Steemfest when I was 19, so that counts as a badass experience I cherish to this day.
When I was 20, I couldn't. I couldn't stomach the thought of being away from home for a few days for my birthday, let alone months at a time.

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With each year that dragged by, I felt my dream slipping away from me. I felt fear and commodity chaining me down. I worried I'd settle down here somehow, with someone, and while that would've been lovely, it would've also meant a dream that died. Each year saw me a little less daring, and a little more with my eye to the ground. And then, the pandemic hit.

Lockdown. Funnily enough, I travelled more in 2020 than the two years previous. I just couldn't live with the idea of someone telling me where to be, or what I could do. Not in the name of a bullshit epidemic of fear-mongering and control. So 2020 saw me moving around in a bunch of places, and that was, in itself, a great joy. The joy of resisting, though not quite what I'd had in mind.

By the time the lockdown tyranny ended, I was 23, yet somehow bolder than I'd been at 18. Coming out of the past few years, I thought "you don't know what's promised". And much of my thinking process since early 2022 has been "what if this is my last chance to do it".

This time, I knew I wasn't gonna mess around. Simply because I knew now the stakes were real. That dreams really could be taken away. That you could be steered into a new reality, not of your making, and not one you wanted for yourself. But you could be put there forcibly, and without a moment's notice.

So when restrictions lifted, I thought fuck that. I remember having this very serious, very focused moment of realization:

This is the crossroads they told me about. This is where I decide if I'm gonna be someone who pursues their dreams, or waits for some mysterious third party to bring them into existence.

So I got on a plane. I left, and lived the next six months in various places around Europe. I traveled a lot. I lugged around a massive suitcase that made me question all my life choices. I found a way to deal with the loneliness, and the fear of being on your own in a foreign place. I met new people. I saw more than I could've imagined, before setting out.

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When I saw this week's Ladies of Hive prompt,

Life is full of unfulfilled dreams but also of accomplished achievements that we had not dreamed of. Tell us about a dream-come-true that you never thought you would do in your life.

I knew at once what it was gonna be. Traveling has been, always, a dream for me, and one that could've very easily stayed a dream. I could've gone on the occasional city break or holiday and told myself I was a traveler. I might've, on good days, even believed it. Luckily, the pandemic came (I never thought I'd say that, believe me), and said "oh yeah?". It challenged me. It shook me out of a reverie, reminded me I only get this one shot. So I took it, and every day I wake up, and every day I woke up on the road, I thanked everything around me, from the Earthmother, to the skies, to the grit in my own heart, for pushing me out that door.

Would my life have been okay had I not left? Yeah, I reckon it would've been alright. But not the same, naturally, and in the end, I'm glad this is how it turned out. And every day that gratitude threatens to overwhelm me, I balance it with a deep sense of pride. Of knowing I owe that to myself. To my life choices that allowed me to undertake that kinda journey, on my own time and dime. And to those around me who were kind enough to encourage me, and keep me tethered to a home when I needed it.

As you may know, I'm back home now. Have been for some time,, and even as summer stretches wide, and publication date weighs ever nearer, I'm planning my next trip. Because now, I know that's how it's gonna be. I know, past all the fears and self-doubts, that that's the only answer that makes sense for my life right now. Nothing's determined yet, not even a destination, though I've several in mind. Not a date, though probably the second half of September. My best friend's graduating in September, so I'm gonna be here for that. Then after that, I'm gone. I don't even know for how long, but I hope that whatever is out there is on my side and allows me to go through with it.

Sometimes, I swear, I remember how lucky I am. To have made it. To be alive. And maybe I'm not the person I dreamed of being. But I'm pretty damn lucky to be who I am.



You've grown into a real force of nature. Can't wait to see where your next voyage takes you!

Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes. Yeah, me too. Hope you're alright, stranger :)

Soon you'll be On The Road Again, travelling as your dreams call you to do. Sounds like a great adventure, just like the writing and publishing of your book. Lots of cool things happening! :)


Indeed they are, I'm having a lot of fun. Thank you :) I hope you're well!

I am mostly well, thanks!

My comment before didn't get recognized by the LOH bot so let's try again :)


Mostly? Well, can't be 100%. One needs a little challenge, right? Thank you. Why isn't there a Sir coin? That'd be cool.

A few days ago I was upgrading my main computer and ended up killing it instead :O

But I just got a new motherboard in the mail and replaced the dead one, and now I'm writing this on my reanimated machine! So no one is 100% but I'm closer to it than I was before :D

I have my own coins on my MetaRobots game world, so yes, it's cool to create new coins! :)

On here, it costs 100 BEE tokens to make a hive-engine basic coin, which is about $13. So maybe someone will make a SIR coin or a GOH, Gents Of Hive :)

And I see you did get your 0.1 LOH token this time, glad it worked!

Oh that sounds nasty. I'm sorry that happened. It's so distressing whenever these machines die on us, it's nuts. I'm glad it all turned out alright in the end, though, my friend.

Lol Gents of Hive sounds like a wicked name for a coin. :) Thank you!!

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Look at you, all badass and daring the frenzy of the pandemic. That was really adventurous and amazing. I'm glad that despite the delays, you could pursue your dream and I'm happy you're not being held back by fears and doubts. Go girl!🤗✨

I think I woulda lost my mind if I didn't at least try. I remember talking to friends at the time, and they were all so shocked the airport was even open. I figure, if you're not gonna ask/try, how are you gonna know? Thank you for the lovely comment, my friend :)

I am glad that although you did not start traveling at the age you thought you would, in the end the dream came true and now you travel wherever you want 😊

Thank you :)

This is a great response to the prompt... your mum's response to the other option was great too:)

I've always had the desire to travel too, and I'm happy that you've been able to explore and live the life that you dream of. The years go by quickly, so definitely go for it. It seems like ages since I was your age, and it's impressive to see where your mind is.
Which Hive Fest did you attend? I'd love to attend one someday.

Thank you! I had fun writing it :D

The years go by quickly, so definitely go for it.

Yeah, I stumbled on this podcast last night with this guy who was saying essentially what I wanted to hear xD how people tend to oversave (is that even a word?) for old age outta fear, and how you should buy experiences and all that. I really liked this idea he came up with that before we die, we suffer many other smaller deaths (e.g. the death of single 20-year-old you, the death of new parent you, etc.), and how if you miss on an experience, sure, you can do it in 20 years, but maybe it won't fit in who you are anymore. 'Cause you change, and likewise, the experiences you crave change with you. I loved it.

It seems like ages since I was your age, and it's impressive to see where your mind is.

seems being the operative word. ;) Only that.

It was Steemfest back then, Steemfest 3 in Poland. If you get the chance 100% go for it. It was such a fun experience and created bonds with some people on here like nothing else. There's people I only catch up with rarely, but because of that shared experience, it sparks up like no time at all has passed. So definitely worth it ;)

Haha! I'll have to hide this podcast from my husband because he's a strong believer in spending what you have to enjoy life. His mom is the same. Whereas, my upbringing is that you MUST have savings for retirement. I had to find a middle ground to avoid insanity because, in my younger years, saving was my priority.
I think lack of money is one of the biggest stressors. However, I agree that hoarding is no good, and my mindset allows me to not squander, but still not miss out on experiences just so you can have a big fat account.

Btw, when I was about your age, I had a long-term boyfriend who had a lot of money but was known to be stingy (not a minimalist, just stingy on himself and to others of course). I was independent, which was one of the things he said that attracted him. One night he took me out for my birthday dinner at a fine restaurant (in a tourist town in Montego Bay, Jamaica). He was so stingy, that he didn't order a meal for himself. The restaurant manager knew me well because I was a Concierge at a hotel and I sent my guests to his restaurant.
The restaurant manager waited until I was finished eating, and came to the table and said, "Since it's your birthday, the meal is complimentary, as you send us customers all the time." My boyfriend was so angry that the restaurant manager waited till the end... He said that if he knew that the meal was free, he would have ordered a meal for himself.

The funniest thing is that I figure that the restaurant manager clocked what was happening because my boyfriend was a well-known hotelier with a reputation for being stingy 😆 🤣

because he's a strong believer in spending what you have to enjoy life

Ha, same! I think you need a balance, though. A friend of my mom's told me she's not gonna spend her money now (when she's still in good health and could travel or whatever), instead saving for a retirement home in old age. It was the single more terrifying statement I've heard. Obviously, blowing it all on a party or a trip isn't the wise alternative, either.

Whereas, my upbringing is that you MUST have savings for retirement.

Same here. Romania's still very haunted by its Communist past, and there's great fear of poverty and of not having what you need. It's what stops me going down the minimalist path as much as I'd like. I look at things like an old sweater or a toy and think, but what if I won't have, or my children won't have in the future. Best to save it, just in case. That's the Communist part at play, when kids really didn't have what to play with.

He was so stingy, that he didn't order a meal for himself.

Jesus, that's nuts. I don't understand how he thought you might enjoy your birthday when he just sat there, what, sipping water? Ha! That was a clever move on the restaurant manager's part to subtly draw attention to his behavior. Very cheeky, love it.

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And you just inspired me to strive harder to achieve my dreams. Traveling is one of them. Although I am slowly pursuing it now, but I want outside this place...i want to travel to other parts of the world. Hopefully, someday ☺️..

Keep dreaming !LADY

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You did it. You took that step!
Thanks for sharing @honeydue