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RE: [LOH#82]Thoughts about Gender Equality

in Ladies of Hive2 years ago

Respect is reciprocal indeed. Not because we clamor for equality means we will no longer give men the respect that are due to them. I think that's what is usually missing in some parts of the world, mutual respect to each other regardless of gender.


Yes you are right, the respect should be mutual

Yes, it is necessary for us to live in harmony. Thank you !LADY

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It is very necessary
Thank you for your kind words and sharing ideas
Have a Lovely weekend

Exactly :) Thank you too and enjoy the weekend!

Sure, i will
Make sure you take alot of rest this weekend, it is also important

Thank you for your reminder. Yes, I'm taking it slow :) Cheers !LADY

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I'm glad you are
It was a wonderful conversation with you
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