A rich Creole Pavilion of Venezuela / Ladies of Hive Community Contest #105

in Ladies of Hive2 years ago

What an interesting question the friend @ifarmgirl brings us this week in the #ladiesofhive community in its 105th edition.

2️⃣ If Hive were a dish (food), what would it be and why do you say so?


Source: https://pixabay.com/es/photos/comida-criolla-carne-mechada-tajadas-3419566/

When I saw the question I immediately thought of this delicious typical dish from my country called Pabellon Criollo, it has several ingredients in the same dish but at the same time it is varied and very complete. Anyone who eats one of these dishes is satisfied.

The plate contains:

Black beans, roast beef, rice, fried plantain. That is the basis of a Pabellon Criollo, the rest is added as a complement, fried egg, avocado, fried arepitas

Caraotas or black beans are a typical dish from my country and they are made like soup or stews, which is how this dish is served. Caraotas are made from one day to the next, then when they are going to be served they are heated in oil with minced garlic and sautéed until they thicken. It is the part of the dish that takes the longest time, but in each Venezuelan house there is a portion of Caraotas kept in the fridge, ready to be used with bread or arepas.

The meat to shred or shredded meat, this is a fibrous meat that allows you to separate it into those thin strips. It is seasoned with garlic, sweet pepper, seasonings to your liking and when it is dry it is ready to add to the list of the dish.

White rice, we all know how to make a good white rice, loose and whole grain.

The banana is cut into slices and fried. Some people make it roasted in the oven and it is also very good, but the original is the fried sliced ​​banana.

Now yes, the additional ones that can change: 1 fried egg on the plate and grated or sliced ​​cheese. We have a very special white cheese that has many small holes and sounds in your teeth when you bite into it, it is called palmita cheese.

Let's not forget the sliced ​​avocado and from there everything you want to add, although the dish is already quite complete.

Why do I compare Hive with the Pabellon Criollo?


Source: Luz Marina - Pinterest

This is a dish made up of an individual dish that together make this exquisite complete dish, in Hive I compare it with the communities, each one has its differences but when they are put together they make a great sea of ​​different species but living together without harming each other others but they all make a useful ecosystem to be able to live all.

When this dish is put together we put love and dedication, just as when we create our publications, we dedicate time, love and dedication so that our blog is to the liking of everyone who reads our articles. Also the order and the place that each one has without going over the limits and looking messy

In the presentation I like the round plate more because for me it symbolizes the union we have in this great community, each one being independent but united in the comments, the votes and when we are happy for the good achievement obtained by our colleagues.

This is the living proof that what is done with love works and that an individual who has his ideals can live together with others with respect and integration.

I invite my friend @merit.ahama to participate in this edition of #ladiesofhive:



Traduccion al Español:

Un rico Pabellon Criollo de Venezuela.

Que interesante pregunta nos trae esta semana la amiga @ifarmgirl en la comunidad de #ladiesofhive en su edicion 105.

2️⃣ Si Hive fuera un plato (comida), ¿cuál sería y por qué lo dices?

Cuando vi la pregunta enseguida pense en este rico plato tipico de mi pais llamado Pabellon Criollo, tiene varios ingredientes en un mismo plato pero a la vez es variado y muy completo. Cualquiera que coma un plato de estos queda satisfecho.

El plato contiene:

Frijoles negros, carne para mechar, arroz, platano frito. Esa es la base de un Pabellon Criollo, lo demas se le añade como complemento, huevo frito, aguacate, arepitas fritas.

Las Caraotas o frijoles negros son un plato tipico de mi pais y se hace tipo sopa o guisadas, que es como lo lleva este plato. Las Caraotas se hacen de un dia para el otro, luego cuando se va a servir se calienta en aceite con ajo picado y se rehoga hasta que espesen. Es la parte que lleva mas tiempo del plato, pero en cada casa del Venezolano hay una porcion de Caraotas guardadas en la nevera, listas para ser usadas con pan o arepas.

La carne para mechar o carne mechada, esta es una carne fibrosa que permite que la separes en esas tiritas finas. Se sazona con ajo, aji dulce, condimentos a tu gusto y cuando este sequita esta lista para agregar a la lista del plato.

Arroz blanco, todos sabemos hacer un buen arroz blanco, sueltecito y de grano entero.

El platano se corta en lonjas se frie. Algunas personas lo hacen asado en el horno y tambien queda muy bien, pero el original es el platano tajado frito.

Ahora si, los adicionales que pueden cambiar: 1 huevo frito sobre el plato y queso rallado o en lonjas. Nosotros contamos con un queso blanco muy especial que tiene muchos huequitos y suena en tus dientes cuando lo merdes, se llama queso palmita.

No olvidemos el aguacate picado en lonjas y de alli todo lo que le quieran agregar, aunque el plato ya asi es bastante completo.

Por que comparo a Hive con el Pabellon Criollo ?

Este es un plato conformado por un plato individual que juntos hacen este exquisito plato completo, en Hive este lo comparo con las comunidades, cada una tiene su diferencia pero al juntarlas hacen un gran mar de diferentes especies pero viviendo en conjunto sin hacerse daño unos con otros sino que todos hacen un ecosistema util para poder vivir todos.

Cuando se arma este plato ponemos amor y dedicacion, asi como cuando creamos nuestras publicaciones, dedicamos tiempo, amor y dedicacion para que nuestro blog sea del agrado de todo el que lee nuestros articulos. Tambien el orden y el sitio que tiene cada uno sin pasar los limites y se vea desordenado

En la presentacion me gusta mas el plato redondo ya que para mi simboliza la union que tenemos en esta gran comunidad siendo cada quien independiente pero unidos en los comentarios, los votos y cuando nos alegramos por el buen logro obtenido en nuestros compañeros.

Esto es la viva muestra de que lo que se hace con amor funciona y que un individuo que tiene sus ideales puede convivir junto a otros con respeto e integracion.

Invito a mi amiga @merit.ahama para que participe en esta edicion de #ladiesofhive:



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The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @noalys, @isabelpena ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.

Thank you @noalyps for share m blog.

I don’t know that dish you mention and it’s my first time hearing of it,but I like the way you compare hive to it and you saying we put dedication in our posts when posting though we are all differences and make hive a beautiful ecosystem sure defines the dish cause I know there will be a lot of dedication when cooking it.

I am very glad that you liked my publication, thanks for stopping by, reading and leaving your kind comment friend.

Que buen ejemplo al juntar todas las partes se forma un todo, eso es Hive. Y con lo que me gusta ese plato para comerlo todo. Excelente aporte al tema de la semana @isabelpena un abrazote

Asi es amiga @sacra97, asi lo veo yo por eso lo compare con nuestro espectacular plato. Gracias por pasar por mi blog y dejar tu amable comentario. Saludos.

The name of this dish is new to me, but the way it's prepared is familiar. Such a wonderful comparison you have made it between your dish and the communities and union on Hive.

I compare Hive with this traditional dish from my country because of the diversity, but at the same time, the union is something that works very well, as well as this platform, together we make up this incredible ecosystem. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Me encanta como explicas que todas las comunidades son distintas pero coexisten en armonía, realmente funcionan como el pabellón, que por cierto es de mis comidas favoritas. Gran post. Saludos!

Muchas gracias amiga @andr3apatino, que bueno que te gustara mi blog. Gracias por pasar y dejar un comentario.

Hi Isabel, the dish you shared is very interesting and kind of complex but with all those ingredients that make it up, it's a healthy and as you mentioned, a complete meal. I would love to have a plate of that hehe.

I love how you interpret its similarities with Hive and that you recognize the differences in us and in the communities here on Hive but we co-exist and thrive together.


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I hope you try to make it at home, it's very tasty. Thanks for the questions this week that are very interesting and thanks for stopping by my blog friend @ifarmgirl

It must be really tasty and hope I can manage to try one day :) Thank you too Isabel for your amazing entry. Have a wonderful day to you ;)

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@ifarmgirl, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @isabelpena and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (1/12 calls)

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Te confieso que cuando leí que comparabas Hive con un Pabellón, en mi cabeza salieron muchos signos de interrogación. Pero cuando leí tu explicación, todo tuvo sentido.
Un plato lleno de elementos diferentes, qué unido tienen un gran resultado.
Y más aún con los demás elementos del plato.

¡Saludos, Isabel!

Gracias amiga @arzkyu97. esta semana hay temas interesante para hacer una publicacion y la verdad nunca se me hubiera ocurrido comparar a Hive con un plato, pero resulto muy bien. Gracias por pasar por mi blog.

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@isabelpena, You have received 1.0000 LOH for posting in Ladies of Hive. We believe that you should be rewarded for the time and effort spent in creating articles. The goal is to encourage token holders to accumulate and hodl LOH tokens over a long period of time.

Dear @isabelpena,
Your support for the current Hive Authentication Services proposal (#194) is much appreciated but it will expire in a few days!
May I ask you to review and support the new proposal (https://peakd.com/me/proposals/240) so I can continue to improve and maintain this service?
You can support the new proposal (#240) on Peakd, Ecency,

Hive.blog / https://wallet.hive.blog/proposals
or using HiveSigner.

Thank you!

Ready friends @arcange, it is a pleasure for me to support proposal #240.

Thank you for your support @isabelpena, really appreciate it! ❤️