Ladies of Hive CC #156 My Monday Motivation

in Ladies of Hive8 months ago (edited)


This is my first-ever entry to the #LadiesofHive community contest. It so happens I have had this thought for 3 weeks now but I keep postponing working on it.

Monday is supposed to be my reaction to my chosen quotations and motivation, grateful for the contest that I could start on.

A great kick-off for me.

And so, thinking of the silver lining to keep holding on, getting ahold of myself together; the quotation can never be more true to me.

"If you're not dead, God's not done."

Wendell Parr said it and I am not familiar with him to know what's the story behind the motivation but I like it.

I've been dreaming of dying in my sleep for two weeks now and just the thought that I could die during my sleep sometimes overwhelms me.

Most times though, especially when I feel so sick and so exhausted, it brings comfort to my soul that I can rest in peace forever.

I still wake up in the morning though, and I'm grateful I'm still alive making arguments with my Mom and my brother Bryan every single morning. Hahaha

I once been sick that I was brought to the hospital and stayed for three days but at that time, I thought it was my death bed and that I wouldn't be able to get well and go home.

At that certain moment of my life when I felt like I cheated death, I was so convinced.

"Ah, God's not done with me yet."

There. I said it.
Until today, I live off it.
God will take me away if He's done but while He keeps me breathing, I'll do my best to live.

Most people spend their entire fortune for a few hours to extend their beloved's life and here I am, having it and yet not enjoying it?


I'm watching the Korean drama D.P. which stands for Deserter Police and so many suicidal attempts due to abuses within military camps and yet, protagonists keep saving people who, most of them don't want to be saved.

An Junho said it's kind of dangerous that people in where they are carrying guns but Corporal/Sergeant Han said, it is what's in our mind that's dangerous.


The reason why I don't wanna dwell in my thoughts too; I read books, watch movies, and enjoy scenes/views to take my mind off of something that might trigger my suicidal urges.

And uh, get a pet.


It will die if you will. Hehe
It works for me. Get lots of them.





You'll keep living. 🤍


All the photos are mine; they contain watermarks. I edited text on photos using Phonto. I use Grammarly to improve my grammar and paragraphs.

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Thanks. Gracias. Salamat.



I can't begin to describe how uplifting your words are. It's beautiful that you think this way. And it's what I'm going to live by as well. Knowing that as far as I'm not dead, God's plans for me are still sure. Thank you for this, Jelly and I hope you have a good week ahead.🤗

Aww. That's sweet. Thank you for dropping this kind appreciation.🤍

I've been dreaming of dying in my sleep for two weeks now and just the thought that I could die during my sleep sometimes overwhelms me.

I think it's a psychological issue for you if that's happening continuously. I think you need to be positive about life and stop watching the suicidal type of drama that you are watching.

I think physical exhaustion was the real trigger for last Saturday, I didn't go anywhere, I was down with a cold, I stayed home, ate well, and went to sleep, it didn't bother me much that night. I was in constant leg work and handwork that my hands were suffering and it was not obeying my brain.😬

And I'm in my last 3 episodes of the drama. It is too good to stop.😂🤭

Thank you for dropping by 🤍

And I'm in my last 3 episodes of the drama. It is too good to stop.😂🤭

You can watch it after taking a break. 😅

That's why 12 episodes and took me two weeks and counting, to finish haha I take a break if it's too heartbreaking

This is right, we are still alive and it means God is still with us. We should be grateful for every morning and another day in our life.

Spend time with animals tending and caring for them it gives great purpose to life, dreams are just dreams, mind games are more dangerous!


Thank you.
For the ❤️ too.

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