A Letter To Me In 2019

in Ladies of Hive3 years ago

Pause Take A Breath The World Is Changing


Not many things suprise you in life, always willing to "experience" something new, what is coming is going to 'knock the socks off you'!

Believe me no year like this one coming is going to throw the cat among the pigeons more than 2020. Media will blow your mind with terms like the "New Normal", "Re-Start", old terms of "Prohibition" "Curfew"

We know of load-shedding, state capture (no-one wearing orange jumpsuits yet), Oh there is another one coming called lock-downs, this is a world at war with invisible gremlins.

First to be revealed is how inadequate our medical facilities operate, first hard lock-down with stringent curfew hours to "buy time to make ready". This will put masses at risk with no pay/work, no food, no education, not able to social distance. Clearing thousands off the streets into ad-hoc shelters for their own good! It still gets worse, loads of fund raising from anyone able, with spiraling corruption, worsens previously known where food parcels go to selected few, inferior "safety masks" bought from "friends of friends" for front line workers. Boots on the ground brutality by police and army will quietly be swept aside.

Distribution of new technology will show children in rural areas have been left behind, possibly losing a full year in education due to ramifications of no forward planning.

Finance has been going down the drain for some years (learn/earn crypto) this is going to get far worse, remember the story of buying bread using a wheelbarrow of cash, this may yet get to that point.

Ban on tobacco and alcohol was another nail in the coffin, millions lost in revenue collection, millions without their fix through the trauma leading to more woman and child abuse now happening imprisoned in our homes. Aptly named the 2nd pandemic by our President which has been happening for years yet never addressed.



On a positive note you will be happy you spent that little extra spoiling yourself last year with a camera, you will spend many hours in the garden day and night enjoying nature.

Curfew especially in first hard lock-down afforded us time to catch our breath chat over the wall to the children being home. South Africa will face the most draconian state of emergency in the world, locked up between 22h00 and 05h00 in your own home.

Only emergency services travel at night, this will take you back thirty-five years to when our little village was that quiet, a very special time will be spent with now adult son's joining you to listen to the sound of the sea floating up the valley, a Nightjar bird calling, actually experiencing a little of what will feel like 1985 now 2020.

Prohibition found us in a state of flux, feeling like juveniles out hunting for a carton of cigarettes at double the price. Fortunately I had a reasonable supply of alcohol to mix and enjoy, however did miss a beer (retailers still sold alcohol free beer?), Our wine ran dry, farmers were pleading with the powers that be to allow sales to return, or lose crops, lose another year which they could not afford, absolutely no one will see this coming! _So here I am writing you a note to warn you to keep a good stash of both.... always! _

Never trust anyone who holds office of 'power', reconcile yourself to the fact that life is never going to be the same. Disgust is the only way you will start to aptly describe feelings know the hunger permeating into rural life, insane greed, wicked tongues, disrespect of one another, it will show it's ugly face in the coming year of 2020.

Strength remains in listening, watching and waiting whether outdoors in nature learning new or watching happenings from afar, the internet will bring some solace stay away from elements of negative, always look for the truth. Slithers of truth do reveal themselves through people willing to research, question and share.

Make me smile, who on earth panics in a pandemic about the end of production line, yup I'm talking about toilet paper. This world is truly crazy, people stock up buying toilet paper in bulk! Would you believe, first thing on your list is stock in food, buy seeds to plant if needs be, oh don't forget booze and smokes, prices will rise after initial shock, no nothing runs short especially TP even making the "News". Make sure you got cash available at all times that piece of plastic is useless when buying from illegal market trade.



We bade goodbye to newly made friends, watch and listen many are suffering!

"Then a complete silence fell over everybody; where once Dean would have talked his way out, he now fell silent himself, but standing in front of everybody, ragged and broken and idiotic, right under the lightbulbs, his bony mad face covered with sweat and throbbing veins, saying, 'Yes, yes, yes,' as though tremendous revelations were pouring into him all the time now, and I am convinced they were, and the others suspected as much and were frightened. He was BEAT—the root, the soul of Beatific. What was he knowing?" - @wales Dean Moriarty - December 2019


A letter to me in 2019 is a challenge inspired by @livinguktaiwan. Check her post Here for more information

Here's my letter to Me in 2019. I'm going to tag a few people from different communities so you can send a letter to your Me in 2019. Tag some of your friends and use the #mein2019 tag. @porters @lizelle @ackhoo


_All photography is my own, any queries or requests please drop a comment below or make contact with me, have a wonderful day! Photography without tripod, go with the flow wherever life takes you.

Thought for Today: "Don't be stupid to replace wisdom with knowledge because you will lose understanding." - African Proverb

Places to Enjoy On Hive: #qurator hive-102880, #featheredfriends @melinda010100 in hive-106444, #amazingnature @adalger in hive-127788, #theterminal learn Hive @thekittygirl @brittandjosie in hive-101265, #ladiesofhive @ladiesofhive in hive-124452, #wednesdaywalk @tattoodjay in hive-155530, #alwaysaflower @dswigle in hive-154065, #feelgood community @barbara-orenya in hive-19093, #powerhousecreatives in hive-114105



Unbelievable, isn't it? Only one year ago, nobody would have believed what would come if he had received such a letter. At least I would have just smiled about such a weird imagination the letter writer has ... but all has happened just as predicted.

Once you told me that selling alcohol was forbidden during lockdown. I thought that was a bit too much and not necessary.
Our latest lockdown, which has started today, forbids drinking alcohol in public - I think that's good and this law could stay even after the lockdown.

Great letter, Joan, let's hope that it all doesn't become worse.

Cheers and !BEER

Much happened, we always have to find positives or we would not be standing.

Ban on drinking alcohol in public places should have been banned a long time ago, perhaps it was, yet many still do what they want without a care in the world.

Perhaps the positive will start in fair options for all, this most definitely brought to the fore how sadly lacking many of our structures have been decayed.

Never having a drink in public this does not affect many, hopefully some semblance of normal returns, somehow I don't think it ever will.

Take care, which I know you are by keeping close to family and being outdoors regularly enjoying nature and life.

For when !BEER delivery returns wishing you a wonderful day. 08h45 sun is up blistering 31 deg C already 😡

There will be a new normal, and our grand kids will kow nothing else.
Alcohol and drunk people in public never look good, no matter if during a pandemic or not.

Well, we have freezing -1 C and they predict coldness and a lot of snow for tomorrow 😉

Let's take care of us and the ones we love and think positive about the weeks and months to come 😁

Cheers and !BEER

Children adapt very much quicker than we do, exactly where the saying comes from "remember when", almost a generation thing!

Ouch that is a lot cooler, snow will be lovely when fresh on the ground so enjoy.

Thanks once again for kindness in support and comments, it helps seeing refreshing photography, places and positive people.

Our children are the future and I hope they believe us when we tell them the things we remember.

I wish you a nice Sunday evening and a great week ahead - maybe a bit cooler, but not as cool as here 😉

Cheers and !BEER

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Hey @johannpiber, here is a little bit of BEER from @joanstewart for you. Enjoy it!

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What wat eye-opener this has been!
Let us hope that things will ease out.

Crazy is the tip of the ice-berg, many horror stories will eventually become evident as time goes on.

We now run higher numbers with second wave, a variant of the original Covid-19 most definitely hope things ease out, will have to wait and see.

Oh, @joanstewart! I wish things would be better where you are.
I keep praying for positive outcomes!
Let us hope that in the wake of the second wave of Covid-19, things will ease out somehow.


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What a year and what a great way to write a blog to ourselves, it’s hard remembering all the lows and the fewer highs but we will rise above all and hopefully have a great new letter for coming year x loved the blog


A smile, keep the positive flowing, this pandemic is affecting everyone in one way or another.

Many try to hide the stark reality behind helping others, while still feeling run-down, sad reality our economy is wrecked yet life must go on.

I knew things were bad in many countries, but this is quite an eyeopener for me on the state of things in South Africa. It's a difficult read Joan, but important to know and understand what's going on in the rest of the world. Take care Joan!!

Reading and watching reaction throughout the world is only indication of possibly what's next.

When media all use same terminology one knows this is being fed down by the "Powers that be", cautionary measures in ones home directly is about best thing anyone can do.

Sharing experiences is healthy, to know each person is somehow maintaining levels of sanity in their region able to express it here.

I have been following along all year with how bad it has been there for you and even so, when you put it all together in one spot like you have in this letter it is all a bit overwhelming. Cash for black market goods and a large wine supply seems like good advice to me!

Trust in leaders has definitely left the room!

Having local fiat currency hidden somewhere in the home is a must, or be able to trade and barter. Black market grew exponentially of which I am sure most neighboring countries took full advantage of.

Life carries on, one step at a time, truth will be revealed eventually, hopefully in my lifetime.

What a year it's been!!!
Would we ever have believed this would happen in modern times? Certainly not me, and now we all sit with bated breath again, wondering what government is going to come up with as the infections spread rapidly!
We've been crazy here, fortunately very nice guests who are still enjoying themselves but choosing activities in the open air and of course the pool area is being well used these holidays!
Thanks for the tagging, will get to this letter before the year's over!
You really nailed it here Joan!

Enjoy your guests, who knows what will come next with trade and industry being on it's knees. Government is bankrupt, too many people now requiring very small grants to live on.

Look forward to reading your letter, knowing none of the prohibition elements would have affected you, however your business has been, so it is interesting how each come to terms with this!

It’s crazy to think this year has been one of the worst ever for so many people. For me it has been one of the best years of my life. I’m happy with the most simple of things. I have my necessities and truly am lucky to have a select loving few in my life. I see each year continuing to get better, no matter what is thrown our way.

I love your thumbnail image btw. Animals are awesome! Africa would be a fun place to visit I’m sure.

Many living a self sustained life in more rural regions may be a little better off to suburbs and cities. We made the hard lockdown having a small garden, I dread to think how people managed in flats with children!

It's great to hear some positives where you have been able to enjoy the year fully, enjoy the festive season and hope the new year is better.

Without a doubt Africa is beautiful, those two zebra are whispering secrets to each other speculating on things to come 😄

If only we had had a crystal ball, or had the ability to forewarn ourselves. I wonder how much we would do differently. More panic buying snd hoarding? I like this mechanism to explore that idea!

No crystal ball here @jayna just keep a level head and take one day at a time.

Panic buying only arrived here to a very small extent, most don't have money to buy in bulk.

Hey @joanstewart, here is a little bit of BEER from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

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