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RE: Favorite Hobby - TRAVEL - LOH Contest #71

in Ladies of Hive2 years ago

Each journey a great adventure, being able to have a taste of the road and freedom on your Harley must have been an amazing feeling.

Nice places visited, of course the train would have been my choice of travel, good we are all so different.



@joanstewart(2/10) gave you LUV. H-E tools | connect | <><

Given the current emission rate of LUV pushing 500/day, increases to required LUV levels will likely be forthcoming.

@joanstewart thanks for the LUV! The train was an amazing experience as far as seeing things you'd see while driving. We met some people on there that we are still friends. @crypt-skip's dad was a chef for Amtrak, he could tell some good stories about train travel.

Train was the only way we traveled as young, it was always great enjoyment, something we miss. Folk who worked on long distance trains normally had a passion of train, and yes the stories.