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RE: I was Walking on Wednesday

in Ladies of Hive3 years ago

Quaint town makes one yearn for times when the pace was slower, pride to place in keeping things running.

Oh a train in the station, what a glorious sight, seeing the station is enough to take me on a magical mystery tour, once again you hit on a topic so close to my heart!

Thanks for taking us along to enjoy what you see in town Denise.



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Thank you for the wine.

Going by train anywhere is an adventure, isn't it, Joan? I like these pockets of pretty that the area seems to offer. Peaceful and the feel of yesteryear makes it feel like a dream sometimes.

Thanks so much for coming along!

And thank you for the wine!

My love of trains I will have to travel abroad to enjoy, none left here for long distance in a normal train.

Not and exclusively holiday train, I want the feel of yesteryear, no air-conditioning, must have viewing platform and windows to open.

Enjoy that wine and keep sending lovely places to visit Denise.

Thanks so much, Joan. Yes. Yesteryear, when things were easy, carefree and we didn't need all the trappings of wealth to make us happy. And yet, without some of that, you would have not had the opportunity to go on that trip.

But, life was so much fun back then.

Le sigh.

Le sigh.

Sums it all up...

When the journey is traveled with some tight turns, remember the bright side in preference to the bad.

For all the joy and beauty in life, nothing says it like a flower...

Green-Yellow Flower.png