I was Walking on Wednesday

in Ladies of Hive3 years ago

Opera anyone?
Come on!! A show of hands!
Who doesn't love opera?


The architecture is from days gone by, probably one of the reasons I like some of these little old towns in Northern Virginia. Like so many towns in Northern Virginia, the feeling of home greets you at every corner. I actually parked in the opera parking lot because I have to pick up someone at the train station here. Oh, to be fair, you have to cut down the alley where the sign says Opera Alley, the shortcut to the parking lot! I could have parked at the station, but, then my #WednesdayWalk with @tattoodjay would be nonexistent. That would be a fail. Let's be off! We have a train to catch!


I walk towards the station, passing a waving barista at a coffee place that I frequent. The atmosphere is 3/4 of the allure. I am surrounded by towns like this and I love it. People are always amazed that the Washington, DC metro area has these pockets of pretty. I am sure it surprises many people that there are small towns close by. These "Old Towns" were the center of activity way back when. They didn't let them do the urban sprawl, keeping them small and quaint and very much sought after in the Real Estate Market. Still, I find it very easy to slip into life here.

French Press, s'il vous plaît. Yes, please. I do like my coffee.

We haven't walked very far, but, if you are like me, a cappuccino sounds like a nice diversion, a bit of a break in the walk. Slow down, you're moving too fast. We did the brisk walk through town and realized that I am too far ahead of schedule, so let's pick a colorful umbrella and take in the view. French Press or cappuccino, or something else?


This is only around the corner from the commuter rail station. In front of it is a Pavillion that is a meeting place of sorts. If I come out this way, I go to their Farmers Market and it is a bandstand or for civic events. In the winter, you can don your ice skates and give them a whirl. No charge. In this town, this is the meeting place. In the summer, I have spent many moments listening to the music floating through Old Town, courtesy of the Pavillion. Lawn chairs are set up and blankets are tossed down in the area, and, suddenly, it is like a night out in the neighborhood.

Le Sigh


I have done an informal meet and greet with people along the way, it takes so little effort to be kind to people and extend simple courtesies. Good morning, how are you goes a long way, and why not?

Center Crest.png

At this point, I must beg your pardon for a moment or three. We know that there will be an interruption of service somewhere in the post for the allowance of flowers. Flowers. There must always be a flower. #alwaysaflower To color my world.


If the sun shines in your soul, does it really matter if it rains outside?

train station.png

Just like it was built, and still used today. Such a quaint little waiting area and this is not the main station, but, a little pit stop. Still, I enjoy doing a pick-up here and getting out, seeing what is open and what is shut down permanently. Sadly, there are more than I realized and I have to wonder the impact it has on these people. There are days that I wonder how we can appear so solvent, when in fact, the impact has been huge.


Here she comes!!!

Thank you so much for joining me on my #WednesdayWalk. I had a wonderful time showing off what makes my day in this area. I always do and you are always so kind to come along. There is so much to see, so much to do and truly remarkable people to do it with. Life is good. Embrace it!


All I have are my words, armed in my mind, written in pen, stand by stand. Oh, yes. Still by hand. It has a different feel. Altered not by keys, backspace, and delete, I write, erase, tear it to pieces and start all over again. And again.

It’s my way. I walk out to the deep end of the page and dive right in.

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Love is all around! You can't have everything. But you can have a #WednesdayWalk! And just that quick, this show is over! Tag me if you want me to check you out! As always, keep on Hiving!





The Naming of Cats

The Naming of Cats is a difficult matter,
It isn’t just one of your holiday games;
You may think at first I’m as mad as a hatter
When I tell you, a cat must have THREE DIFFERENT NAMES.

TS Elliot

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Who doesn't love opera?

Me. Sorry. Am I disqualified?

No but you must go to the back of the line now.

Of course, no offense. LOL

It's fine if I'm at the back of the line for the opera show. I'll just be standin' way back here, not listenin' to opera :)

It sure is a quaint area and such a lovely post

Sorry for short comment i need to get back to mopping

Hehe! I truly understand! Glad that it was only mopping that you have to do. Embrace it, although Massachusetts rarely gets hit, but, once is usually enough in my opinion.

Glad it turned out well for both of us! Have a peaceful day!

Yes glad we’re both faired ok from thi
You to have a great day


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Keep it small and quaint is the difficult part, that image of the window, the streetlamp and the trailing flowers is so quaint and pretty.
I love those flower breaks and detours on your post lol
Its sad that so many businesses are closing down.
It's the same here as well.

They are not all small and quaint, but, I do love the ones that are. I am so glad you like the detours and the flower breaks! :)

I wasn't sure how people felt about them. I am sad too about the businesses. Those are people with families. I am so sad for people to lose their livelihood. It is the same, the world over.

Thank you for stopping by and leaving your words! Goodnight from here!

Sweet dream and take care.

Thank you! xo

This is very outstanding view of the commuter train and its platform, little waiting room there and well cleaned and maintained, have a nice day with your wednesday walk.

Thank you for your kind comment. I love the old train stations like this one.

I hope are having a great day!

Oofty, thats a lovely wee place. What a nice walk you have! :OD

Isnt it? I'm always happy to escape to the smaller towns where everybody knows your name! :)

Thats why I fled the city! :OD

Exactly! I have the house on the shore of East Virginia, a wonderfully peaceful planet. Nothing city about it. The island there boasts two herds of wild ponies and I run and hide there whenever I can!

the very nice atmosphere you brought to us from your Wednesday walk and this place is such beautiful with all the preserved remnants of the past. these huge prints in the waiting hall of the train station are so wonderful. all this feels like a dream

It is such a peaceful existence, Victor @victorbz Some days, I have to wonder how I got so lucky.

Thank you for stopping by and leaving your words!

yes, i see.
i just visited my friends musicians and Hippies, living not to close to the Center of the country. we spoke about the current situation and about the old days when everything was less hysterical, but the entire world already was crazy with the race of shopping, traveling, Michelin restaurants eating, and putting everything to the online stories.

@dswigle wow very nice and happy Wednesday walking moment.

Thank you! It was a wonderful day to walk through the old town.

By later that day, it was raining!

Oh my! What a captivating, lovely Wednesday walk you had.

I love operas and did not know there are small towns around Washington DC area. I think of the place as seat of power, modern architecture and political activities. These images look picturesque and homely.

I don't mind the interruption for this lovely flower! I hope you enjoyed a cup of cappuccino on your walk.

Life is good. Embrace it!

No argument about that! Hehe. Have a great day! 🙂

They are considered the suburbs of Washington, DC. It was built up around these tiny little places and they have kept them intact and eschewed building up to keep the charm. Washington, DC does have the modern architecture (although much is with a French slant)

I am so glad you enjoy the breaks with flowers. :)) it looks just like this. :)

Washington, DC.jpg

Yep, this is the image and similar ones I see often of DC. Nice!

It's good the small towns and suburbs keep the charm and everything else intact. Sometimes, the old way feels genuine, natural and cool, reminding us of our roots! 🙂

I agree! I love Washington, DC, but, it is the charm of the old towns that draw me in. :) Thanks for the Engage tokens!

Well you can add opera to the things that have been put on the back burner due to the virus. Hard to believe how it has affected our lives.

Many things are opening up and some closed back down, but, many more have had their hand forced to open or shut down completely.

I bet all those who got that greeting were pleasantly surprised especially if you guys are sporting masks and can't see a smile

I wonder if I'd have the guts to do that hehehe

You are one amazing person @dswigle <33

Many people, even most are not wearing masks outside, only in the confines of indoors. I wear one for those that don't. :) I honestly think your eyes smile, although nothing like a face cracking smile,

The small towns are pretty friendly and many of the people know each other, especially in the businesses. Of course, you would have the guts to! You are nice and you would have to. It's written in the stars. :)

Thanks for stopping by and leaving your always kind words. ❤️

Yes, it takes so little effort to be kind to people and extend simple courtesies.
That's what I love so much about my place of work and where I live.
(The most rudeness I found was in this platform, hehehe)
Here is Davis where I work we have a similar place as you Pavillion, the Farmers Market. I took these pictures from the web.


It does remind me of the one I posted. :) Farmer's Markets are the best, aren't they? There are a surprising number of them here in my area.

Thanks so much for stopping by and showing off your markets there!

Ooopps... I hope @tattoodjay doesn't mind, LOL!!!😆😜

Never! He is awesome that way!

Quaint town makes one yearn for times when the pace was slower, pride to place in keeping things running.

Oh a train in the station, what a glorious sight, seeing the station is enough to take me on a magical mystery tour, once again you hit on a topic so close to my heart!

Thanks for taking us along to enjoy what you see in town Denise.


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Thank you for the wine.

Going by train anywhere is an adventure, isn't it, Joan? I like these pockets of pretty that the area seems to offer. Peaceful and the feel of yesteryear makes it feel like a dream sometimes.

Thanks so much for coming along!

And thank you for the wine!

My love of trains I will have to travel abroad to enjoy, none left here for long distance in a normal train.

Not and exclusively holiday train, I want the feel of yesteryear, no air-conditioning, must have viewing platform and windows to open.

Enjoy that wine and keep sending lovely places to visit Denise.

Thanks so much, Joan. Yes. Yesteryear, when things were easy, carefree and we didn't need all the trappings of wealth to make us happy. And yet, without some of that, you would have not had the opportunity to go on that trip.

But, life was so much fun back then.

Le sigh.

Le sigh.

Sums it all up...

When the journey is traveled with some tight turns, remember the bright side in preference to the bad.

For all the joy and beauty in life, nothing says it like a flower...

Green-Yellow Flower.png

The atmosphere is 3/4 of the allure

What you were missing for 4/4? :) It really looks very cozy and European, although it seemed to me that one-story America can't boast of such cozy corners. Probably it all depends on vision.

Not all the towns are like this, of course, I picked one that is warm and pleasant. There are more like this, scattered all over the US, but, I really think it depends on vision, as you so nicely put it.

I choose to see the good for what it is: a gift. Everywhere has good, bad, and indifferent. I lived in Europe and appreciate the feel of that warmth. Thanks for stopping by. ;)

Fabulous shots!

I don't like opera, but I sure love Opera-like stuff such as The Phantom of the Opera or The Beauty and the Beast.

Nicole Scherzinger - Phantom of the Opera

Nightwish - Beauty And The Beast

Yes! I love all of those, and I want to thank you for sending them! I hope you are doing well, I haven't been over to see you in a while.

Oh, I love old trains and train stations. How cool! That pavilion is amazing too. Glad you had a nice Wednesday Walk. And yes, there must always be flowers. And wisdom.

If the sun shines in your soul, does it really matter if it rains outside?

So true.

Thank you, @jayna! I love the old train stations! There is something so comforting to see them keep the old relics and use them too!

Flowers is a must, but wisdom? Some days, but not nearly enough! Thank you for the repost and kibd worda! 💖

Agree with you, what a walk without a cappuccino?
Cappuccino complements it! 😂 👍

:) I know! Right? Like a day without sunshine! Thank you for stopping by! :)

Empowering Thank You for using LOH.jpg

Thank you for the support @ladiesofhive!

Where would we be with flowers to colour our world? Probably I daresay feeling a little blue without the brightness of daises, petunias, roses, chrysanthemums, alyssums, gerberas. Alas Denise, the list is far too long to write them all.🌸🌼🌺

Doesn't it just cheer us up? There is something so uplifting about them! Just like you, uplifting and coloring peoples world. Always! 💖

Reading through this post felt like I walked down the area with you... smiles** The pictures look beautiful... thank you for sharing

Thank you so much. I am glad you enjoyed the walk. :)

It looks very picturesque. I also feel a heavy sense of nostalgia while looking at the photos for some reason.

Thank you. I don't have a sense of nostalgia as much as loving old towns that have a history. There is something so nice about strolling about without the hustle and bustle of traffic.

Thanks for stopping by!

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Nice photography in the Northern Virginia.

Thank you so much!

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Thanks for the pizza!

Thanks so much for the repost @pixresteemer! Much appreciated!