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RE: Escaping the Darkness - Ladies-of-hive-community-contest-100

in Ladies of Hive2 years ago

"Dark tunnel seeking light", our mind is not something anyone fully understands, dealing with depression in oneself or members in family, takes concerted effort by all to try understand.

Topic needs discussion I fear many suffering quietly, path via meditation with exercise sounds better option. Psychiatrist may take some time finding the cause or trying medication which have negative effect, something experienced within the family.



You're so right Joan, our mind is very complex, so while one treatment helps some, it does nothing for others. When you talk of the medication, it often can ve detrimental and not help the condition, so it's vital in those instances that the person talks to their doctor.
I feel so blessed to have been able to get better the natural way in the end.
Thank you for your valued input.

Always try to navigate to natural, chemicals always have side effects although some do find the right one to stabilize them which no one can doubt either.