My true influencer | LOH #186 contest week

in Ladies of Hive4 months ago

Greetings ladies, this month is for all mothers, blessings. Today we come with another week of contest

At certain junctures in our lives, we encounter individuals whose influence profoundly impacts our personal development. Upon reflection, we recognize that without their presence, we wouldn't have reached the level of growth we are today. Have you experienced such a pivotal figure in your life? If so, could you elaborate on how their presence has contributed to your transformative journey?

I am a self-taught person but I can't just say that, my mother has influenced me a lot in my personal development. She has raised me by teaching me that women are strong and that everything can be achieved, we just have to be honest with ourselves and set clear goals, focus and maintain that focus, with a clear goal the objectives are achieved. And she gave me the perfect examples, everything she wanted, she achieved, although it took her some time but all her goals were aimed at fulfilling her proposed objective. Being strong, being intelligent and persistent comes from my mother's influence, that shaped my personality and way of being, as a result of that is how I am now, a self-taught person and I am certain that my mother is also self-taught because she knows too many things and she only finished high school.

Saludos ladies, este mes es para todas las madres, bendiciones. Hoy venimos con otra semana de concurso

En ciertos momentos de nuestras vidas, nos encontramos con personas cuya influencia impacta profundamente nuestro desarrollo personal. Al reflexionar, reconocemos que sin su presencia no hubiéramos alcanzado el nivel de crecimiento que tenemos hoy. ¿Has experimentado una figura tan fundamental en tu vida? Si es así, ¿podrías explicarnos cómo su presencia ha contribuido a tu viaje transformador?

Yo soy una persona autodidacta pero no puedo solamente decir eso, mi mamá me ha influenciado mucho en mi desarrollo personal. Ella me ha criado enseñándome que las mujeres somos fuertes y que todo se puede lograr, solamente debemos ser honestos con nosotros mismos y fijarnos metas claras, enfocarnos y mantener ese foco, con una meta clara los objetivos se logran. Y ella me daba los ejemplos perfectos, todo que ella quería, lo lograba, aunque le tomara algo de tiempo pero todas sus metas apuntaban a cumplir su objetivo propuesto. Ser fuerte, ser inteligente y persistente viene de la influencia de mi madre, eso moldeo mi personalidad y forma de ser, a raíz de eso es como soy ahora, una persona autodidacta y tengo la certeza de que mi madre también lo es porque ella sabe demasiada cosas y solamente terminó la secundaria.



Kudos to you ever resilient and strong mother.

Thank you sis

Our mother is always our first teacher and influencer. It seems as though you were raised well by your amazing mother, and you are grateful for it.

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Always grateful!


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Cheers to mummy
For being a positive impact and influencer in you life .
I could call her
The influencers influencer 🫶

Hola @josehany soy Yeny y soy de Honduras y vivo en España. Soy nueva en Hive.
Un placer leer tus publicaciones

Hola, saludos! Mantener positiva y firme en los primeros meses


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Aetting a clear and precise objective is the first step to achieve that objective.

I am sure you will carry the legacy of your mom. As a strong mother raises strong children.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us !LADY

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@amberkashif, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @josehany and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (3/9 calls)

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Thank you ! I'm very grateful with my mom and yes, when it is time to raise my own child, it will be with the best teachings


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@josehany, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @amberkashif and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (2/3 calls)

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