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RE: LOH 111: Deck the Halls!

in Ladies of Hive2 years ago (edited)

Hello @miconteangsabeat. Good advice on making sure you take down your decorations immediately after the holidays are over. I actually know a friend who leaves some of the decorations up all year.

When you say:

"I would always go for recycled decorations or unique decorations that will suit my preferences. Decorate your house as what your heart desires and will make the people around your home happy for the holidays!"

I like your idea of a DIY Christmas tree and decorations. Although I'm not into crafts, you can make your tree unique and a family conversation piece. I also find this cost saving and reduces stress by using recycled or older decorations if you want to have a full armor of supplies but are running short of time to shop or funds.

Thanks for sharing your ideas. Take care.



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Leaving the decorations up for a year also happened to us. My parents won't take them down hahaha