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RE: Eso no se come / That is not eaten -Ladies of Hive Community Contest #35

in Ladies of Hive3 years ago

Oh my goodness!! You girls must have got a real scare through those many trips to the hospital.

I used to pretend to cook but the only real thing was the pots and the fire.
I used leaves to fry up a storm, literally, today I think I could have burnt down my house because I used kerosene for the fire and as cooking oil.

That you ate everything you prepared as part of the game, hehe
You must be a really good cook now, for real though :D


Nunca me fuera perdonado si ella fuera quedado sufriendo de una enfermedad para siempre, pero ahora es como el mejor recuerdo de la infancia porque fue la mejor lección aprendida. Bendiciones! gracias por comentar

I would never forgive myself if she was left suffering from an illness forever, but now it is like the best childhood memory because it was the best lesson learned. Blessings! thanks for comment