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RE: Ladies of Hive Community Contest #141 - Understanding my Dreams

It's great that you've made the effort to document and identify your dream language @nainaztengra.

Our subconscious is always active in the background of our thoughts constantly sorting and prioritizing signs of threats in our environment whether great or small. The small signs we may tend to ignore yet our instincts still perceive them. Our dreams are like an advance defense system, it gathers data, tries to identify threat often by filling in the blanks from our own experiences. And in our terms of reference, warning us of those threats before they can fully manifest.
I do pay attention to my dreams.
Thanks for participating. 🌛


That's very well said, Our dreams are like our advance defense system. I also believe that we do future time travel in our dreams and that's where all this comes from. It brings a glimpse of some part of our future events, then it's upto us how much we can remember or how we want to go ahead.