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RE: LOH Community Contest #141: My recurring dreams and my legacy

You paint quite a scene of being trapped in a sense of hopelessness torn between your mother and your son, sacrificing your job was a tough choice that will have effects on your life for years afterwards. As a nurse I can understand the work required to take care of a patient's needs over the course of a day and it always fills your thoughts at night.
Thanks for sharing @purrix


Yes, thank you for understanding me. On top of everything else, Mom was a kidney patient and had to dialyze twice a week, which left her exhausted. She had also suffered four ischemic strokes and a hip fracture. From being a completely independent and well-traveled woman, she became a very small person, completely dependent even for food.

I would never have abandoned her, but I know that this is now taking a toll on my life.

Thanks to you ✨🌼✨