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RE: Succulents - Show Us Your California Week 43

in Ladies of Hive3 years ago

I love jade plants, they are so easy to reproduce too! I have one but it doesn't look as nice as yours since it's stuck in the house for half the year, it does well when it's outside tho with the pretty burgundy leaves. Thanks for sharing your collection!


It just grows.... you stick them onto the soil, and it grows!
They're the most durable plants I've found so far for this area.
By next year, I'll probably fill the whole wall with them, hehehe!

I know, that's how I got mine, it was just a few broken leaves that I stuck in the dirt that a friend gave me. They are pretty durable indeed, I wish I could grow it fully outside to line the yard with it like you do!

Succulents? I think they will die in the snow, but chances are they will grow back!

Prickly pears do grow here naturally but, yeah they die every winter so succulents never have a chance to get big here if kept outside. I should try it tho, you never know.

I bet Summers are wonderful there!

Oh yeah!! We are mostly dry plus the mountains absorb a lot of the moisture into it's system so we get next to no rain most years with the sun up forever, hot tho but it cools down fast at night. We have a little desert in drumheller.

May I ask where you are. @ladybug146? I hope you don't mind. Just a point of reference, hehehe!

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