~ Family planning a choice or mandatory? ~

in Ladies of Hivelast year (edited)

Greetings pupil.

Interestingly, recently I had a long conversation with one of my aunts and at one point our conversation escalated to a topic I never thought deeply about, family planning.

I have just recently stepped in my 20's and I all I think about is nothing related to marriage. So let alone family planning. After that event it has been persistently bothering me as to how we actually set things in our life. Thinking about education, career, life feels simple and fixed. Nonetheless, marriage and family planning should too be such an easy thing, but is it?

From my surroundings, I have taken it that it is compulsory to get married, and that is the meaning of getting settled. Moreover, family planning comes with that package of marriage. It is then, that thoughts started to cross my mind that are we manipulated in thinking that marriage and family planning is a mandatory task alike our education and building up a career of our own? While such thoughts kept boggling my mind, I took a deep breath to take one at a time.


Collected from pixabay

Keeping the marriage topic aside, I am more into the thoughts of family planning. If both husband and wife wants to lead a life without children is it not okay? It should be fine right? From where do we get the idea of continuing legacy through children? I am not quite sure but according to my estimation depending on the many families I have seen, it is pretty obvious to take up children, one is mandatory. Yes, I have overheard many conversations of this kind and many girls dream to be mothers.

It is a blessing, I do not want to touch on that topic. Marriage entirely is known to be a blessing send from God and so are children. What I am more concentrating is the thought of taking babies or not. the thought of planning to build oneself than a planning of taking responsibility for the future generation.

It is true that once I am planning to be committed into a relationship, in the name of marriage and plan on still building our world, shaping our career, it is not selfish to take that decision. It is not selfish to take the decision of not upbringing another generation. It is not selfish at all.

Also, how many parents are actually taking responsibility for their babies actions? How many families understand what their babies are going through? How are you planning to build up a generation while you are busy mending your life, your career and the baby? While mismanaging every single thing, how are you still staying accountable to yourself for your responsibilities? Are you, is a question repetitively bothering my mind.

Rather than regretting in the long run, is it not wise to be aware beforehand? Is it wise to be downright ignorant or being accountable for the actions we aim to take? If I am sure that I will not be able to bring up my children properly, with guidance and care, then it is my responsibility to make the decision before I regret it.

Responsibility is a huge thing to those who understand it. Therefore, if you are that kind of person, measure your situation and make decisions accordingly. It is not a fairytale and things cannot be undone. Family planning is a choice which is not mandatory.

~The End~

This is my thirty-first post in HIVE. I hope to connect well with everyone. This is me here, Lemonade1, I am a bookworm, a foodie for life and a hodophile.

~~ Life is too short to waste away in procrastination. Spread your wings and fly freely with your consciousness in your pocket. ~~


Assalamualaikum, may peace be upon you.


I wish more people would actually THINK about it instead of just "letting it happen" and only have kids if they really want to and feel ready. We might have happier children and a better world. Kids know when they are not wanted, and plenty of them are. And plenty of parents start to have kids before they are mature enough to really handle it, while they are working out their own issues in life. And I don't mean, career, money, etc., but their own psychological issues and such. Plenty of people have trauma and just pass it on to their children - imagine if they took the time to heal as much as they can before they brought in a new generation, and stopped that generational curse. I think we would see a society that was a whole lot healthier.

I agree with you 100% and I side with your thoughts. If only people could realize the difference between mandatory things and the ones which are not. Hopefully awareness will lead to them and one day, change will occur.

DEFINITELY A CHOICE. There are times when you can just agree but do nothing about it when it comes to the situation. The societal stigmas SUCK. Good writing.

Right I agree but still we mustn't do something which puts us in loss. Thank you.

Family planning is a choice that is not mandatory.

For me, family planning should be mandatory, not just a choice. Creating isn't just a play or shouldn't be taken for granted. The future of the children depends on how you plan for your family.

I grew up in a family where family planning was set aside. Then, we suffered more at the end..

Wait, wait, I meant the decision to take kids as falling under family planning. What do you call that decision of taking or not taking kids? I thought that is called family planning. So, I wanted to emphasize that it is your choice if you want to take kids or not. It is not mandatory to take kids.

It is true that once I am planning to be committed into a relationship, in the name of marriage and plan on still building our world, shaping our career, it is not selfish to take that decision. It is not selfish to take the decision of not upbringing another generation. It is not selfish at all.

I think some things need to be separated.
First, marriage should not be mandatory and nor should having children. That should be a choice and yours or the couple's alone, not the parents' and relatives'.
Secondly, family planning should refer to how many children you want. I know many religious people think the more the merrier as they say children are gift of God, but raising those children right, giving them what they need (proper education included) is your responsibility and if you can't guarantee that, then why make children suffer?
I'm not going to be popular with my opinion, but this is how I see it. It's the 21st century.

Oh man. Did my words say the opposite? I was trying to emphasize that it is a choice to take kids or not. I totally side with you. I heavily believe on this, it is 21st century, no one should be pressurized to take kids and let alone for marriage.

It is true that once I am planning to be committed into a relationship, in the name of marriage and plan on still building our world, shaping our career, it is not selfish to take that decision. It is not selfish to take the decision of not upbringing another generation. It is not selfish at all.

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