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RE: Escaping the Darkness - Ladies-of-hive-community-contest-100

in Ladies of Hive2 years ago

That is so sad Eric!
Reading about the experimental treatments in the past is just so awful, it must have been terrifying for those poor people and must have driven many over the edge.
I'm so sorry your Dad had to suffer from depression, it was more difficult then and even today, for a man to talk about suffering from depression, as they see it as weakness. It's quite the opposite, as it takes courage to still try & live a normal life. It must have been difficult for your Mom as well.
More people need to talk about this if they've been through it, and share what helped them!
Thank you for your kind words and encouragement Eric!


It had to have been horrible for him to exist that way and it was tough on the entire family. Later in life antidepressants helped him function but didn't address the root causes. I very much agree, we should bring it all into the light. The more people who talk about it the more normalized it will become. I believe we're getting there as a society, slowly but surely.