Ladies of Hive Community Contest #12 | What song or style of music brings back your fondest memory?


Greetings Hivelectors

I share with you a song that brings back beautiful memories. I used to sing this song to my granddaughters when they were little, now they are teenagers. By sharing the song I tell you an anecdote that just happened a few moons ago. My granddaughters Raymar and Rannya, together with their brother Rubén, are sharing with me at home, after more than 4 years.

Grateful to share with my offspring these days

That song that brings to me beautiful memories

Its name is

"Agua, fuego, tierra y viento"
Paz Martínez

It is a love song whose composer is the Argentinean Paz Martinez and the singer-songwriter Mercedes Sosa transformed it into a love song for Latin America as a tribute to our beautiful and magical land. I love this song because it reflects the love of Mother Earth to all her sons and daughters.

In days gone by, my granddaughters were with me sharing a nice snack, that day my daughter left the house with my grandson and they stayed with me. After the snack they went to the hammock and there they started to cover several songs. They have beautiful voices. While I was reviewing some material that I had to send in digital format to a colleague, they sang and sang. My biggest surprise was when they started singing songs that I used to sing to them when they were little babies. They made a version of one of the lullabies. My emotion was greater, that I almost managed to fly very high, when with the arrangement of their voices they sang this beautiful song and when they finished I told them that I wanted to listen to it again and I tried to sing it with them. We used to sing it together. That day was a wonderful day for me.

"Agua, fuego, tierra y viento"

It has been a pleasure to share with you today's theme

Grateful that these days I am under the protection of my garden and sharing with beautiful, gentle, kind and empathetic people who visit me daily

Grateful for all the Blessings received

We follow
Vibrating in Love!

We are Energy ... Energy is Transformed

Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving your comments

Until a next post

My networks and interactive platforms


Excelente música mi querida, como la que nos gusta a nosotras, letra con contenido y buenas voces @marlenyaragua bendiciones.

Me encanta que te haya gustado el tema que compartí ...

Recibo tus bendiciones @sacra97 y las comparto con el Universo para que se multipliquen en paz, amor, alegrpia, abundancia, prosperidad y sanación

A beautiful song!
Thanks for sharing it.
Good luck with the contest!

Thanks @silversaver888 ... I love that you like it ...

I loved it, @marlenyaragua 🥰🌺🤙 !ENGAGE

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Exotic Latin American style 💃

Thank you for sharing the Music @marlenyaragua 🌹

Yes, the best and exotic music @kerrislravenhill

You got great music choices and hope you had fun doing this blog
Thank you for participating in our contest and I wish you good luck
Maybe you want to enter the ladies of hive discord,
Here is an invite

Halve a great week and tomorrow there will be a new contest

Thanks @brittandjosie ... I love that you like it ...!