Ladies of Hive Community Contest #55

in Ladies of Hive3 years ago (edited)

Mis queridas Ladies of Hive, this is my entry to TO THE 55th EDITION of the LADIES OF HIVE COMMUNITY CONTEST, escrita por la apreciada @melinda010100.

Las dos preguntas para esta semana son llamativas, comenzaré por la relativa al tiempo, a la estación.

My dear Ladies of Hive, this is my entry to TO THE 55th EDITION of the LADIES OF HIVE COMMUNITY CONTEST, written by the appreciated @ melinda010100.

The two questions for this week are striking, I will start with the one related to the weather, the season.

¿Qué me gusta de esta temporada?/ What do I like about this season?

El otoño muestra sus cambios cromáticos con timidez en la región en donde vivo, sin embargo se observan vistas hermosas como la que les comparto (tomada con mi celular desde la puerta del súpermercado).

Autumn shows its chromatic changes shyly in the region where I live, however there are beautiful views like the one I share with you (taken with my cell phone from the supermarket door).


Lo que más me gusta de la estación son algunas frutas que se cosechan en esta temporada, como los caquis, los cuales conocí en España; los higos, moras, frambuesas y arándanos (también los conocí en España), además de los llamados frutos secos: castañas, nueces, avellanas y almendras. En bastantes jardines cercanos veo las higueras con sus frutos. Las castañas no son propias de esta región, pero sí lo son las almendras.

Autumn shows its chromatic changes shyly in the region where I live, however there are beautiful views like the one I share with you (taken with my cell phone from the supermarket door). What I like the most about the season are some fruits that are harvested this season, such as persimmons, which I met in Spain; figs, blackberries, raspberries and blueberries (I also met them in Spain), in addition to the so-called dried fruits: chestnuts, walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds. In many nearby gardens I see fig trees with their fruits. Chestnuts are not typical of this region, but almonds are.


La otra parte que me gusta de este tiempo es la ropa, pues es un vestuario elegante, con blazers, bufandas, botines o abrigos y, a la vez cómodo, ya que se puede llevar un suéter ligero y buenos pantalones, con los abrigos por encima.

The other part that I like about this time is the clothes, because it is an elegant wardrobe, with blazers, scarves, ankle boots or coats and, at the same time, comfortable, since you can wear a light sweater and good pants, with the coats for above.

¿Qué haría con un millón de dólares?



Pues lo primero que haría sería pellizcarme para saber que no era un sueño, que en mis manos estaba esa fantabulosa cantidad de dinero para disponer de ella, una vez ubicada en la situación.

Y después ... ¡a gastar!

1. Compraría pasajes a mi familia para pasar juntos la Navidad.

2. Compraría un mercado de lujo a las familias sin recursos de mi pueblo.

3. Abriría una lista de necesidades especiales de conocidos para ir apoyándolas.

4. Aumentaría mi HP al máximo, para votar a muchos hivers

5. Haría alguna inversión para poner el dinero a reproducirse y seguir disfrutando de dar felicidad a otros y a mí misma.

Y disfrutaría el máximo la sensación de tener mucho dinero para gastar.

And then ... to spend!

1. I would buy tickets for my family to spend Christmas together.

2. I would buy a luxury market from the poor families of my town.

3. I would open a list of special needs of acquaintances to support them.

4. I would increase my HP to the maximum, to vote many hivers.

5. I would make some investment to put the money to reproduce and continue to enjoy giving happiness to others and myself.

And I would fully enjoy the feeling of having a lot of money to spend.

 "image.png" F4



♠Para el texto en inglés, conté con la generosa colaboración de @silversaver888, quien realizó la traducción y la publicó en la sección de comentarios. La tomé de allí y la incorporé a esta publicación. Gracias, apreciada @silversaver888 por tu gran apoyo.
**♥Los separadores de párrafos son de mi propiedad, puedo utilizarlos en otras publicaciones. Las fuentes para las imágenes son las siguientes:
F1 y F2, fotografías de mi propiedad, tomadas con la cámara del mi móvil
F3 (
F4 (

♥Para participar en este concurso, infórmate en el link Te invito a participar.
♥Publicación original de @mllg

♠ For the English text, I had the generous collaboration of @silversaver888, who did the translation and posted it in the comments section. I took it from there and incorporated it into this post. Thank you dear @silversaver888 for your great support

♥ Paragraph separators are my property, I can use them in other posts. The sources for the images are as follows:

F1 and F2, photographs of my property, taken with the camera of my mobile

F3 (

F4 (

♥ To participate in this contest, find out at the link I invite you to participate.

♥ Original post by @mllg








My dear Ladies of Hive, this is my entry to TO THE 55th EDITION of the LADIES OF HIVE COMMUNITY CONTEST, written by the appreciated @ melinda010100.

The two questions for this week are striking, I will start with the one related to the weather, the season.

What do I like about this season?
Autumn shows its chromatic changes shyly in the region where I live, however there are beautiful views like the one I share with you (taken with my cell phone from the supermarket door).
What I like the most about the season are some fruits that are harvested this season, such as persimmons, which I met in Spain; figs, blackberries, raspberries and blueberries (I also met them in Spain), in addition to the so-called dried fruits: chestnuts, walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds. In many nearby gardens I see fig trees with their fruits. Chestnuts are not typical of this region, but almonds are.

The other part that I like about this time is the clothes, because it is an elegant wardrobe, with blazers, scarves, ankle boots or coats and, at the same time, comfortable, since you can wear a light sweater and good pants, with the coats for above.

What would you do with a million dollars?
Well, the first thing I would do would be to pinch myself to know that it was not a dream, that in my hands was that fantastic amount of money to dispose of it, once located in the situation.

And then ... to spend!
I would buy tickets for my family to spend Christmas together.
I would buy a luxury market from the poor families of my town.
I would open a list of special needs of acquaintances to support them.
I would increase my HP to the maximum, to vote many hivers
I would make some investment to put the money to reproduce and continue to enjoy giving happiness to others and myself. And I would fully enjoy the feeling of having a lot of money to spend.

Dear @silversaver888
Thanks a lot for your translation
A very good translation
I incorporated it into my post
Thanks again

I used Google Translate.
And, you're welcome, @mllg.
Keep smiling!


You received 5 LADY(LOH) tokens for entering the Ladies of Hive contest.

Please note that since our LOH token is still so new, that it will be worth more if we HOLD them for a bit before trying to sell them. Some have been trying to sell them immediately after receiving them, but holding them for a bit will help them to increase in value! We are working behind-the-scenes to try to keep the price stable, but the "sell orders" are hampering the stabilization of the price of this new token. Please hold on to your tokens. Thank you! 🙂

Tenga en cuenta que, dado que nuestro token LOH todavía es tan nuevo, valdrá más si los MANTENEMOS por un tiempo antes de intentar venderlos. Algunos de ustedes han estado tratando de venderlos inmediatamente después de recibirlos, ¡pero retenerlos por un tiempo les ayudará a aumentar su valor! Estamos trabajando entre bastidores para tratar de mantener estable el precio, pero las "órdenes de venta" están obstaculizando la estabilización del precio de este nuevo token. ¡Considere esperar! ¡Gracias! 🤗

Qué sabroso es soñar con ese dinero. Me ha encantado tu descripción de otoño, simplemente maravilloso. Me encanta tú participación mi querida @mllg.

Muchas gracias por todo el apoyo, mi querida amiga @sacra97

Dejaste el enlace de tú post en los comentarios del reto mi querida @mllg de las damas de hive.