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RE: Ladies of Hive Community Contest #55

in Ladies of Hive3 years ago

My dear Ladies of Hive, this is my entry to TO THE 55th EDITION of the LADIES OF HIVE COMMUNITY CONTEST, written by the appreciated @ melinda010100.

The two questions for this week are striking, I will start with the one related to the weather, the season.

What do I like about this season?
Autumn shows its chromatic changes shyly in the region where I live, however there are beautiful views like the one I share with you (taken with my cell phone from the supermarket door).
What I like the most about the season are some fruits that are harvested this season, such as persimmons, which I met in Spain; figs, blackberries, raspberries and blueberries (I also met them in Spain), in addition to the so-called dried fruits: chestnuts, walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds. In many nearby gardens I see fig trees with their fruits. Chestnuts are not typical of this region, but almonds are.

The other part that I like about this time is the clothes, because it is an elegant wardrobe, with blazers, scarves, ankle boots or coats and, at the same time, comfortable, since you can wear a light sweater and good pants, with the coats for above.

What would you do with a million dollars?
Well, the first thing I would do would be to pinch myself to know that it was not a dream, that in my hands was that fantastic amount of money to dispose of it, once located in the situation.

And then ... to spend!
I would buy tickets for my family to spend Christmas together.
I would buy a luxury market from the poor families of my town.
I would open a list of special needs of acquaintances to support them.
I would increase my HP to the maximum, to vote many hivers
I would make some investment to put the money to reproduce and continue to enjoy giving happiness to others and myself. And I would fully enjoy the feeling of having a lot of money to spend.


Dear @silversaver888
Thanks a lot for your translation
A very good translation
I incorporated it into my post
Thanks again

I used Google Translate.
And, you're welcome, @mllg.
Keep smiling!
