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RE: Unveiling the Marriage Lists: Tradition and Expectations for a Nigerian Wedding

in Ladies of Hive4 months ago

Sincerely, this list is capable of changing the mind of some intending grooms no matter the love they have for a lady.

It's high time these traditions should be reviewed especially with the current harsh economy so that our young girls can comfortably marry the love of their lives without any interference.

I am from Enugu state in nsukka and fortunately, our people does not do the list stuff but encourage the groom to provide all that will be needed for the marriage

I took a closer look at this list here and buying all means that the man may spend up to a million or more on those if he can't afford it,he forfeit his love of her life? I really wish our fathers can rethink

Thanks for sharing
Looking forward to the ritual culture of yours 🤗


@sagarkothari88 vote


Seriously...I also think that they are part of the cause of what they call abomination, that is, a girl living with a boy and having children without being married to him! What can they do where there's so much high expectations?

Indeed there needs to be a rethink!

But from the look of things and the faces I'm seeing lol 😂, I don't think this people are ready to hear what we think about the traditions 🙃

You just raised a point...ladies Nowadays leaving Witham man who hasn't paid her dowry...only if the list is reasonable but know, our elders don't want to review