Day at Er, they found me with bad pyelonephritis/Día en hospital , me encontraron con pielonefritis grave.

As I had written in various posts in recent days, it was a period in which my health was not shining, it began with a bad and painful sore throat and then pain in my back, then obviously my mental health is not the best and my hypochondriasis is not it helps by increasing anxiety, plus as I wrote in a post yesterday, finding my doctor is a challenge, in fact I wrote a criticism of our healthcare which is full of gaps. Link here ( Last night I started to feel severe pain in the lumbar side of my back. I had already been feeling pain for a few days and I thought that due to the sore throat I was always tired and exhausted.

Furthermore, these days I worked doing some major cleaning in a house where the bricklayers had been and we had bricklayers too so I thought maybe I just had back pain. I had already had a slight pain for a while but I had underestimated it by focusing on the low-grade fever and the sore throat, however yesterday in the morning I started to feel a very strong pain, the doctor couldn't see me until the new week, I put on a bag some hot water on the small of my back and I took some painkillers. I spent a night with my parents because my husband was at work and I felt terrible, he was rightly scared and preferred that I not spend the night alone, I managed to sleep for a few hours but despite the painkillers the pain didn't decrease, so I had them accompany me in the emergency room where strangely they were quite efficient, usually if your code is not too serious they make you wait for many hours, but yesterday I went to the reception desk, once the symptoms were described they made me sit on an armchair in a ward, they had me do the urine tests there and once they had the results they put me on a painkiller drip and after about an hour the doctor examined me, very nice and professional, from the urine it came out that I have a major kidney infection in fact the the doctor was surprised that I didn't have a high fever, it's called pyelonephritis, it's a very extensive and quite painful kidney infection of bacterial origin, which is why they gave me antibiotic therapy for a week. I will also have to follow a low sodium and light diet (I think that these days you will only see healthy and few recipes, tonight's menu is valerian and tuna salad with wholemeal bread) and some painkillers if all goes well in a couple of weeks I should feel better even if the diet will be good to continue for a while. At least now I know what I have and the sore throat and low-grade fever probably also came from low immune defenses. I'm still quite sick and have to rest, but at least I finally have answers to my pain and solutions.


Como había escrito en varios posts en los últimos días, fue un período en el que mi salud no brillaba, comenzó con un fuerte y doloroso dolor de garganta y luego dolor en la espalda, entonces obviamente mi salud mental no es la mejor y mi La hipocondría no ayuda al aumentar la ansiedad, además, como escribí ayer en una publicación, encontrar a mi médico de cabecera es un desafío; de hecho, escribí una crítica a nuestra atención médica que está llena de lagunas. Enlace aquí ( Anoche comencé a sentir un dolor intenso en la zona lumbar de la espalda. Ya llevaba unos días sintiendo dolor y pensaba que por el dolor de garganta siempre estaba cansada y agotada.

Además, estos días trabajaba haciendo una limpieza importante en una casa donde habían estado los albañiles y nosotros también teníamos albañiles, así que pensé que tal vez solo tenía dolor de espalda. Ya llevaba un tiempo con un ligero dolor pero lo había subestimado centrándome en la febrícula y el dolor de garganta, sin embargo ayer en la mañana comencé a sentir un dolor muy fuerte, el médico no pudo verme hasta La nueva semana me puse una bolsa con agua caliente en la parte baja de la espalda y tomé algunos analgésicos. Pasé una noche con mis padres porque mi esposo estaba en el trabajo y me sentí fatal, él con razón estaba asustado y prefirió que no pasara la noche sola, logré dormir unas horas pero a pesar de los analgésicos el dolor no disminuyó. , así que los hice acompañarme a urgencias donde curiosamente fueron bastante eficientes, normalmente si tu código no es muy grave te hacen esperar muchas horas, pero ayer fui a recepción, una vez que me describieron los síntomas me hicieron Me senté en un sillón en una sala, me hicieron hacerme los análisis de orina allí y una vez que tuvieron los resultados me pusieron un gotero de analgésico y después de una hora aproximadamente el doctor me examinó, muy amable y profesional, de la orina salió. se enteró que tengo una infección renal importante de hecho el doctor se sorprendió de que no tuviera fiebre alta, se llama pielonefritis, es una infección renal de origen bacteriano muy extensa y bastante dolorosa, por eso me dieron terapia con antibióticos. durante una semana. También tendré que seguir una dieta baja en sodio y ligera (creo que estos días solo veréis recetas sanas y pocas, el menú de esta noche es ensalada de valeriana y atún con pan integral) y unos analgésicos si todo va bien en un par de semanas. Debería sentirme mejor incluso si sería bueno continuar con la dieta por un tiempo. Al menos ahora sé lo que tengo y el dolor de garganta y la fiebre baja probablemente también se debieron a las bajas defensas inmunitarias. Todavía estoy bastante enfermo y tengo que descansar, pero al menos finalmente tengo respuestas a mi dolor y soluciones.

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I wish you speedy recovery, sometimes fruit helps a lot too. Thanks for sharing

I can imagine how difficult this must have been because I too have suffered from a disease for a long time for which I neither knew the cause nor the cure. Well, hope you get well soon! :)
Sending Love and Ecency Vote!

I hope you feel better soon, don't lose actitude, life can be rude sometimes.

I'm glad you finally got answers and treatment dear. Take it easy and focus on getting better. Low sodium diets can be tricky, but they'll help a lot. Get well soon dearest friend !LUV


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Without a General Physician available to order the test, you or anyone would be left to endure so much unnecessary pain and discomfort. We also lack GPs and are in great need of qualified doctors. Appointments to see specialists have long lead times to see and our system is overwhelmed. Canada has a good reputation all over the world, but it's just that, a reputation. It's only good if you are famous, rich or a politician.
I am also a nurse.
I hope you will recover soon @noemilunastorta