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RE: "Dream-catcher Protected" Day and Night | Ladies Of Hive Community Contest #57

in Ladies of Hive2 years ago

Who needs a psychologist when one can have such a dream catcher.😊

I have been an active dreamer for the past 20 years and out of thousands of dreams I recall one or two that (seemingly?) put me in danger. I hold the belief that all (ok, 99.9%) dreams are good and beneficial and harmless.

But as the saying goes - if you are a paranoid it doesn't mean no-one chases you😉

Looking forward for more of your beautiful art @lauralauze !


Hello Nomad-Magus! Good morning!

Dream-catcher is a symbol, a metaphor, but when you see representations of it - like my Phone or a souvenir dream-catcher for a keychain, it reminds you of the meaning you have attributed to it.

In fact, as you know, there is nothing outside your mind that can affect you.
Only your own mind. Your mind is the Magus.

Have you also been "Awake in the Dream of Life"? Meaning - walking and interacting with the "physical reality" with your eyes open, but being totally conscious and lucid about the fact that all that you see, touch and smell, all that is happening and appears as solid in this "physical reality" is a projection of your consciousness?

Let's get this conversation going :)
So glad you were here!
Have a lovely day!

... And this is the biggest challenge of our human life, isn't it? To remain fully conscious not only in the dream time.

Btw, OBEs (out of body experiences) are a great way to maintain the connection between the two dimensions. If you ever had such an experience, I bet you know what I mean.

Good evening from this side of the globe 🌐 😊

That's a daily, hourly, moment to moment practice to stay lucid. Therefore, I am so keen on writing "wake-up-calls" :))))
On the other side of the World? Where is the Nomad Magus roaming the dream-land tonight? :=)

It feels that not only you walk your talk but you also follow your passion. This is a great place to be at, in the waking dimension or the dream world. 😉
I'm looking forward to be further inspired in your next coming post. 🙏