[ESP-ENG] Concurso # 63, mis objetivos este nuevo año // Contest # 63, my goals for the new year

in Ladies of Hive2 years ago

¡Hola queridas damas de Hive!

Hello dear ladies of Hive!

Una vez mas visito esta bella comunidad, primeramente deseándole muchas bendiciones y amor sobre sus vidas. Me es grato participar en este gran concurso # 63, con esas preguntas relativas al año que comienza como es 2022. Siempre creativas e innovadoras las bellas damas de Hive.

Once again I visit this beautiful community, first of all wishing you many blessings and love over your lives. I am pleased to participate in this great quiz #63, with these questions regarding the year ahead as it is 2022. Always creative and innovative the beautiful ladies of Hive.

Concurso # 63, mis objetivos este nuevo año.png

¿Cuáles son sus objetivos que desea alcanzar en 2022?

Al entrar un nuevo año 2022 prospero y lleno de muchas bendiciones para cada persona, familia, es necesario arrancar con buenos pensamientos positivos, emprendedores que cautive a otros que esta a tu lado. Como decimos arrancar con buen pie.

Para que este 2022 sea mucho mejor, derramemos mucho amor, compresión, fe, esperanza, al que lo necesita. Empecemos en brindar, ayudar en todo momento, ofreciendo la mano amiga, abriendo nuestro corazón y borrado las limitaciones y desea con todo nuestro corazón que todo puede cambiar, sobre todo acá en Venezuela. Deseando que se rompa las cadenas de en la economía y que fluya mas campo de trabajo y el dinero nos rinda en los gastos que se hacen. Y en todo momento agradecer a Dios por lo mucho y lo poco.

Entres mis objetivos al alcanzar este nuevo año 2022, son muchos, pero quiero destacar que es amar mas a Dios sobre todas las cosas, su primer lugar, apoyar a mi hija y yerno para que pronto este en Venezuela, tener un negocio propio de venta de artículos de oficina y bisutería, Tener un espacio para dar apoyo docente, y tener otra casa mas grande con terreno.

What are your goals that you want to achieve in 2022?

As we enter a new year 2022 prosperous and full of many blessings for each person, family, it is necessary to start with good positive thoughts, enterprising that captivates others who are next to you. As we say start off on the right foot.

For this 2022 to be much better, let's pour a lot of love, understanding, faith, hope, to those who need it. Let's start by giving, helping at all times, offering a helping hand, opening our hearts and erasing the limitations and wishing with all our heart that everything can change, especially here in Venezuela. Wishing that the chains in the economy are broken and that more fields of work flow and the money yields us in the expenses that are made. And at all times to thank God for the much and the little.

Among my goals to reach this new year 2022, there are many, but I want to emphasize that is to love God above all things, first of all, support my daughter and son-in-law to soon be in Venezuela, have my own business selling office supplies and jewelry, have a space to give teaching support, and have another larger house with land.



¿Cambiarías 10 años de vida por riqueza y fama?

Tener vida es agradecimiento a Dios, con tantas fama o riquezas no te dan la mayor riquezas que es vivir en paz, tranquilidad, fe y con amor a Dios y a los tuyos. La riqueza y la fama no te garantiza tener amigos, familiares que te amen, te quiera, con el corazón. No cambiaría 10 años de mi vida, por tales cosas sino por agradecer a Dios por lo que me das y por lo que soy, mi familia. Tener riquezas y fama no es malo sino lo que puede hacer en tu vida, solamente seguir siendo la misma o el mismo, con amor.

No amemos las riquezas y la fama sino a los tuyos que están a tus lados en toda circunstancia, algunas veces no ciega tantas riquezas así que debe de haber un equilibrio en la vida y ser humano.

Would you trade 10 years of life for wealth and fame?

Having life is gratitude to God, with so much fame or wealth does not give you the greatest wealth which is to live in peace, tranquility, faith and with love for God and your loved ones. Wealth and fame do not guarantee you to have friends, family members who love you, love you with their hearts. I would not trade 10 years of my life for such things but to thank God for what you give me and for what I am, my family. Having riches and fame is not bad but what it can do in your life, only to remain the same, with love.

Let's not love riches and fame but love your loved ones who are by your side in every circumstance, sometimes it does not blind so many riches so there must be a balance in life and being human.

Quiero invitar a este concurso a @edimar09, @misi21, a participar.

I would like to invite @edimar09, @misi21, to participate in this contest.

Gracia una vez mas por visitar y leer.

Thank you once again for visiting and reading.

Las fotos es de mi autoria y edición de canva

The photos are of my authorship and canva editing.

Vota comenta comparte.gif


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Hi Nubra11,

I hope you can achieve all of your goals in 2022, especially the one about "supporting your daughter and son-in-law to be soon in Venezuela. I can tell you miss her so much and can't wait to reunite with her.

You are right about "money and fame doesn't give us the greatest wealth in life". There are many more important things than that such as the pure love for ourselves and other people, the gratitude to things we have and receive.

Thank you for participating in this week contest. I really appreciate you take time to share with us about your goals for 2022 and provide your insights about whether you would trade off 10 years of your life for money and fame. Have a joyful Holiday :)

Hello, thank you for those beautiful words. Yes, I am waiting with much love for the arrival of my daughter.

It is good to have such optimism in any country, you make it more amazing coming from a country in desperate need of a properly functioning economy if it we're not for God blessing you and have been your assuring presence. May God bless you, your daughter and Son in law abundantly in the New Year!

Thank you for sharing @nubra11