Tough Situations Need Creative Solutions

I'm self-employed and since I was 3 weeks under the weather and not able to work I took financially pretty bad hit.

I'm now working reduced hours and at this point it looks like I will get back to my feet by end of May. That is pretty far away so I really need to be careful. Next income will arrive on my account on 40 days, but it's not going to be anything amazing.

I had birthday this week and I got gifted flowers, but the bad thing was that I did not have correct type flower vase.

So I went to Chinese store (chino) to check on vases on holy cow they were looking cheap, but the pricetag was 20€. Like excuse me? For a vase that looks like it costed 10 cents to produce.

I realized that I had to make some creative solution as I did not want to get robbed.

So I went to the mall and small shop that just sell home decor.

And what did I see. High glass jar that was probably meant for pasta for 6€. That's more like it, so I took it home and presto:

Very cute vase! You could not tell that this is not for flowers. My second option was ceramic kitchen utensil jar, but I'm so pleased that I found this. I did beat even Ikea prices as even they do not sell anything on this price range.

Incase you wonder why I couldn't use the vase I got and the reason is simple:

It would not look good with the smaller bouquet. Bwt, this is not either originally vase, it was supposed to be used for candles. I just yeeted the candle holder out and threw flowers on it.

Let's see what I can make next time when need arises ✌️


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It's amazing how we can repurpose things which would normally be thrown away. Sometimes the hacks we make for these things make a better item than something we would have bought in a store.

If we can't repurpose something we have, the next best thing is to repurpose something we buy, as you did. If you need a vase for something thin or small rather than large, there is always the classic beer bottle: aside from the shape, they come in various colors depending and who makes the beer.

DIY would be ideal. After that is repurposing something owned or bought.
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That's a very creative way not to spend 20€ on a vase. Hats off to you.

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