LOH Contest #164: My Wishful Magical Moments This Christmas

in Ladies of Hive6 months ago


To be with my complete family this Christmas

If I could move back in time, I wish it would be the time when the kids are still small in which the five of them can be with me all the time no more no less. Of course, it's already expected for them to be on their own when they grow older. I would choose this point in time. Things were not so complicated by then since they only had simple wishes such as going to the park, their favorite resorts, going to the seaside or to Jollibee or anything to their fancy.

It is the time when my husband was still doting on me to be with him all the time whenever he's home from many months or years of work on board their ship.

It was during this time when all they want to do was to play and wish to eat for their favorite foods and snacks and to go to beautiful places such as the parks, resorts, restaurants or their favorite gaming arcades.

I wish for the times when they are still complete because losing someone dear to your heart is so heart wrenching how much more when it's your own daughter who died at 18 followed the next one at the age of 32! It's too painful, right?

I prefer to lead a simple life with my kids with their dad who doted on us. He used to prepare and cook for the kids. We have 5 kids so my hubby wanted me to quit from my office job so I could tend to our kids. Of course, I have to abide with his wishes since it's for our own good and he could pretty much can afford being a sailor himself. He likes to pamper his kids with his support and material things especially during the Holidays. It's overwhelming!

But there's no such thing as perfect marriage. Problems do come and go but losing one's life is irreparable and irreversible! It is said that we only pass that way but once and there's no turning back unless miracle happens. Given the chance to choose, it's my magical wish this Christmas! For us to be gathered around the table with their father who left last September 29, 2012 and my eldest son followed 5 months due to the same ailment. Both had cardiac arrest! Well, it's my simple wish, a wish that could never be a reality because there's no such thing as turning back to life.

Sometimes, I blamed my God for letting these tragedy happen to my family when I've been so protective when it comes to my kids! It's so ironic! But who are we to question God's plan for us, yet it's so unfair! It should be the other way around, right?

Despite of it all,I still have this wishful magical moment this Christmas for us to have a solemn celebration even if it be in my dreams only. I will be more than happy to feel this glorious magical moment....



Losing your husband and eldest son so close it would be to difficult to endure, somehow God must have a perfect reason. I have to trust God why I was not taken and why my best friend was not spared, to whatever ends it is to give God the glory.

You're right. I would say life is unfair but it's beyond our control. All I can do is reminisce the good old days to ease my aching heart.:(

Sorry about your friend. It's like her life's candle extinguished by itself at the most unexpected time. Yeah... am pretty sure they're now in a better place free from worries and pain.

That is really very sad to read. Its tough to cope up the loss of our beloved ones. You are a very brave soul to have agreed this soul contract with them.
Memories bring smile as well as tears, but life goes on.
May you find peace and comfort in your heart

Thank you for the motivation dear. In fact, I couldn't control my tears falling while writing this but I have to control myself for my kids. I know they still need my moral support. Life goes on no matter what.

Writing is also a way of healing my dear

Indeed....thanks for this given topic. It's also a form of stress reliever. Actually, I've been having this feeling called Christmas Blues that I chose to read novels when am alone to divert my attention because am afraid to have anxiety attack that could drown me into depression

Posted via D.Buzz

Very beautifully said ❤️

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