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That’s great to hear, back to normal. Here not yet… but bit by bit 😁
I so can imagine, I do notice the little things are so much more important than before. The quick visits with friends…
Yes, good for business as it needs to thrive again.

I will be spending some quality time with hubby, he was away for business all week and is almost back home.
We probably go visit some nice places, little trips out. 🥰😁
Do you have anything planned?

Enjoy your weekend @silversaver888 👋🏻☀️

I have routine visits on Saturdays. It takes me half of my morning. I hope not to be out of the house too long.
There is this song that I want to play in the piano if I have the time.
Then... chores in the afternoon.
I want to spend an absolutely quite day sometime. But tomorrow is not the day. Hehehe! !PIZZA

Hope it works out well tomorrow @silversaver888
Not too long out and some time for the piano 😁
Unfortunately house chores will always remain…
Let’s hope you have soon a quite day, all for yourself 🥰🤞🏻
Take care 🤗
Enjoy your evening!