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RE: Impromptu Party. The Value of Friendships.

in Ladies of Hivelast year

When we get together, there's never a dull moment. We just keep talking and talking, and before we know it, it's time for them to go home. If it were a Saturday, they'd sleep over! They all live in the Bay Area, and it is a drive to come to my house.
I have been so inundated myself. I hope your Internet problem will be solved.
A BIG hug to you too, @littlebee4🤗

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Hahaha I so recognise those moments. Time flies just toooo fast.
I understand, hope next time it will be a Saturday 👋🏻😁

Thanks @silversaver888 I found a solution in the form of Starlink. We are too remote to have normal internet.
It arrived yesterday and after setting it up I’m on-line again 🎉🎉🤩 sooooo happy.
Now I can catch up with work, hive and everything else. Next to unpacking and organising.
Will try to post at least one update of the journey this week. Just done a short walk.
So let’s catch up very soon 🤗😎
Bigg huggsss 🤗🤗
!LADY 🤗🌺🥰🤙🏻