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RE: (ESP/ENG) Mi participación en el concurso de la comunidad Ladies of Hive #53: Quiero que me lleve a viajar por toda la galaxia / My entry in the Ladies of Hive Community Contest # 53: I want you to take me on a journey across the galaxy

in Ladies of Hive3 years ago

There are too many without a doubt hehe don't believe it, I'm not a fan of that genre either, only that Space Dandy is more than anything absurd comedy with space in the background, while I laughed, I saw beautiful drawings of the stars. It is excellent if you want to see something to clear your mind since what happens does not make any sense ha ha I have always been to have my feet on the ground, but sometimes the worries are so much that one would like to have a rocket on the back and go out flying ha ha thank you very much for reading my ideas and for encouraging you to leave your comment! 😘💖