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RE: Ladies of Hive Community Contest #141 - Understanding my Dreams

in Ladies of Hive11 months ago

This is really an enlightening read about dreams. I do notice a pattern in my dreams but I've not been able to understand the symbolic meanings behind them. I guess it takes a lot of practice and my dreams are seasonal, they come on certain occasions and then they disappear for awhile.


Once you start following your dreams and the events of your life you will be able to easily start interpreting them. But the thing is to remember our dreams, because as soon as we open our eyes they disappear. So consciously before you open your eyes you need to kind of recollect and memorize it in your mind.

Yes, that's an important part to keep in mind. We must first find a way to remember our dreams just before we come back to waking consciousness. I used to keep a dream journal to write all my dreams when I wake up even if it happens to be in the middle of the night. I've not done that it awhile now but it might be time to revive it and start doing again. These symbolic messages from dreams must be studied and understood.