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RE: Violencia psicológica en LOH #144

in Ladies of Hive11 months ago

Psychological abuse is one type of abuse I wouldn't even wish for my enemy. That shit is draining and could leave someone in total shambles where your self esteem is totally crushed to dust. I'm glad you used the door as soon as you couldn't put up with his demeaning attitude. I love the first paragraph of your writing and that flower is so beautiful.


Thank you very much for the comment and support. If I give thanks every day for having ended that torture. That is a flower from my garden, it is called the lady of the night because each flower only opens once and at night. A big hug. @teknon

Muchísimas gracias por el comentario y apoyo. Si doy gracias todos los días por haber terminado con esa tortura. Esa es una flor de mi jardín se llama la dama de noche porque solo abre una vez cada flor y en la noche. Un gran abrazo

That is a flower from my garden, it is called the lady of the night because each flower only opens once and at night. A big hug.

I'd really love to have such flower. I'd make sure to stay up at night just to see it open up and reveal it's charm. Hugs my friend ✨